"I'll leave you two alone."

Finally, everything became clear and I caught Janet winking.

"Huh?" I looked around.

I suddenly felt like someone was shaking me. I looked to see that it was Janet.

"Alicia! Alicia!" She shouted.

"What? Huh?" I said.


"I can hear you! Stop!"


"I SEE YOU!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

Unexpectedly, everything stopped. My surroundings faded and I jerked awake in a fright. I was in my bed, my mother shaking me.

"Alicia! Wake up! Wake up!"

"Mom!" I shouted thankfully and wrapped my arms around her.

"It's okay, sweetie! Everything's fine! You were having a nightmare!"

I could feel the perspiration forming on my forehead. So it was just a dream. The car crash really had happened.

I sighed, calming down. I looked up at my mother to see her forehead crinkled into a line of worry.

"I'm okay, mom." I reassured her.

"Oh, honey. I heard you screaming. I was so worried!" She hugged me tightly.

"I'm fine." I repeated, pulling away.

I drank the glass of water that was on my bed side table.

"Are you sure you're alright?" My mother asked again.

I nodded.

"Good. Try to get some sleep, okay? School's in a few hours."

I swallowed thickly, but still nodded. As my mother exited the room, I pulled the covers over my head again.

In just a few more hours, I would be starting my new life.

I looked up at the school I would be going to for the next few years. At least I had gotten the name right in my coma.

Firestone High school. I inhaled deeply and starting walking up the stone steps of my new school. As soon as I entered, I studied the interior. It was nothing like my coma. I sighed, missing my old school.

"I can't believe I actually used to go here." I said to myself.

Pulling out a slip of paper, I scanned the lockers, hoping to find mine soon. After a few twists and turns, I finally found it. Conveniently, it was very close to my first period class.

I turned the combination lock with ease and let the door pop open. Shoving in the books I didn't need, I quickly closed the door up again and walked towards my first class, Chemistry.

Just as I enterefd the class, the final bell rang. I rushed up to the teacher, a woman who seemed to be in her mid thirties. She was very tall, with long blonde hair tied into a pony tail. She took one look at me and smiled brightly.

"Hey. You must be the new student. Alice?"

"Um, it's Alicia. Alicia Silverwood?"

"Oh! Of course!" The teacher held out her hand. "Welcome to Firestone! My name's Ms. Glory."


Ms. Glory then cleared her throat. She looked at the class and smiled.

"Class, we have a new student. Her name's Alicia Silverwood. I ask that you all treat her with respect and give her a warm welcome."

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