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(If you know who the artist is for this drawing is, I will love you forever!)

I watched as Felix run off into the woods, his figure turning from visible to just a small being through the trees, just before disappearing into their untrustworthy depths. I'm worried for him, why would I not be. He just watched as the love of his life get shot through the back of the head, and then forced to run away, leaving him behind, not even enough time to stop to see whether there was even a glimmer of hope that we, no, HE could save him.

I know how that feels, well, kinda. After so long, trying to stop people from shipping Septiplier, jack and I wouldn't just start dating out of the blue, no, especially when I was in a happy, content relationship with Amy. Even if I'm still dating Jack, I will ALWAYS have a place in my heart for Amy, and he knows that. I'm grateful that he understands.

(Trigger warning, if you sensitive to character death [not like I haven't killed a character yet anyway] and hospital staff, if your like me you'd understand, please continue with caution)

You must be wandering what I'm on about. Ha, wouldn't be surprised, I've given you NO insight at all. About a year ago know, Amy had been diagnosed with Cancer, the same kind that I had unfortunately been graced by a long time ago. It was sudden though, we had been making a brake through and she was getting better at a rapid pace. Never once did we think she would pass on so suddenly at that moment.

My friends, Felix, Cry, Wade, Bob, Aaron, Matt, Ryan, Daniel (he's in here cause he can, he'll alway's be apart of the group 😭) and of course, Jack. At the time though, The Late Night Crew we're still attached to the hip, Cry not having dated Felix yet, so they all tagged along to. We were all visiting her at the hospital, the other's wishing her well and some even giving her presents. But the time to leave had gone as quickly as it came, so we all were heading out to leave, before the doctor pulled me aside.

All the others had walked out already, but Red had most probably the only one who notice I wasn't with them. She was kind enough to volunteer to stay in the room with Amy, while I spoke to the doctor about her progress.

That was until Red ran out of the room in a frantic rush.


It felt as if the next few weeks were in slow motion. But one thing alway's stayed in my mind, those word spoken to me by the doctor, 'SHE HAVING A SEIZURE!' That's the one that scared me, but not the one that broke me, 'I'm sorry, we lost her,' those ones did.

Over a few months, Jack had been there for me. He only went back to Ireland once, and that was to get his staff. He basically moved in with me. From there you can figure thing's out really.

"Mark, you should start scouting the area... like Felix said," Luke then broke me from my memories that seemed to have gone on for hours, but in reality, it would have been less then two minutes.

"Right, Mark-uhh... Gorilla? Can you give me the coordinates to the area so I can make my way back?" I stumble.

"Yeah no problem," he agreed while getting started.

"I've got a lot of concerns, but my biggest one at the moment is.... How is Evan going to react to this news," I hear Luke say to Gorilla as I start walking away, and the only reply I heard back was a quick 'shit'.


So.... almost a month.... I am so sorry!
I didn't end up see my family from Thailand like I wanted to. The day before I was supposed to go met them at Harvey Bay, my boss called me in for work..... mind you I'm a part time worker.... I don't think he get's that part time means some day's and not EVERY FUCKING DAY FOR TWO WEEKS STRAIGHT. 😭. I haven't even finished up the week yet 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.

But I tell you now, I ain't workin' next week cause I'd be really upset if I can't go to Harvey Bay this time and I set it to him straight that the only work I'd be putting in my life on the 19th of January is this god damn book, I ain't workin' on ma birthday! 😡

And ya don't have to worry about the burn anymore, it's just a big patch of really pale skin know ( as if I wasn't pale enough to begin with 😒).

Aside from all my ranting, I'm sorry this is so short, I had to start and finish this immediately, and I'm very tired ( if ya see any floors in this chapter, go ahead and make fun, I need a giggle). And you can probably see, or not, that the story is unfolding 😈.

And I've decided to give you guys a hint to who the bug in the group is: He's someone everyone trusts, good luck!.

Anywho, Piece ✌️.

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