This can't be happening... (Gorrila)

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(No song today)

The bush land flue past us in a giant blur, covering my eyesight. It wasn't long till we reached the swamp.

"Great! Let go swimming in amazingly smelly swamp water!" Felix muttered, sarcasm dripping out of his mouth like a water fall.

"Sorry Pewds, but whatever means necessary, right?" Cry reasoned with his unimpressed boyfriend.

"Look at at the bright side, this way we most likely won't get shot by paint balls," I throw out.

"That is a bright side, those thing's hurt like a bitch!" Luke chuckled, whiles backing me up.

"Shut the fuck up newbies, what do you know about this game. Unlike you and your friends, we have experience. I honestly feel sorry for Jack, having to carry your group all on his own!" Felix yelled in frustration.

It was obvious that Felix had something against us, although I don't know why. I had no trust for this guy. It's like he had his own personal vendetta, or he just doesn't want us here, thinking his group can do this on their own. Just wait, that'd be their downfall.

"Felix! That was insensitive and uncalled for. Apologies!" Mark insisted.

"Relax Mark, he's right. My friends and I don't really have all that much experience for this kind of IRL stuff. But we are used to strategising for video games, working together with random people and our team work is nine times outta ten, on point. So even if we're doing something that's a little out of our league, we are still a good asset to have," Luke preached.

"He's right. About that and those paint balls really do hurt like a bitch," Cry laughed.

"WHAT!! EVEN YOUR SIDING WITH THEM, CRY!!" Felix yelled, betrayal evident in his voice.

"Felix, calm down. We have to learn to trust them and give them the room to grow as players. We won't win unless we learn that acting like a team is the key to this game. We don't work together, we die, we lose. Simple as that," Cry scolded Felix.

"But it's just a game, is your mind so focused on winning your forgetting that we, and by we, I mean all of OUR friends, came into this game together, just to have fun. Yet now that we're stuck with more people, all you won't to do is win, I get it, FUCK YOU TO!!" Felix screamed, betrayal becoming more clear in his voice by every word.

Felix and then storm off ahead as best he could in swamp water. Cry's fist closed in on itself in anger, shaking from the force being bestowed upon it.

"Is.. is he gonna be alright?" I question, nervous for the arguing couple.

"Don't worry about it. He's stubborn, always has been. He'll come through eventually," Cry assures me, although I feel like there is more behind his anger then meets the eye.

We all continued to trek the dark moggy swamp in a deafening silence. No one said a word, afraid to try and slice the thick atmosphere, without braking there already blunt social knifes. The only thing's heard were the sound of us breaching the thick mercy water. It was quite indeed. A bit to quite then it should be.

Luke slowly, but surely, walked up to me and whispered into my ear "you get the feeling we're being followed".

Now that he mentioned it. That would make sense as to why it's to quite. Too many people in the area, the animals would have run away, leaving only people, people trying to be stealthy.

"Hey guys! I'm tired, can we take a break?" I somewhat yelled at Cry, while looking him directly in the eye's, right through the poker face holes.

Both he and Felix, who mind you is still mad, seemed to get the hint that something wasn't right. They both sat down on dead trees that had fallen over, Luke and I following soon after. Mark looked us all through as realisation crossed his dark brown eye's.

We had taken the wrong path!

Five minutes had past and everyone was still quite, but not because of the same reason as before, this time it was to listen out for any sign of attack. But they still haven't. About twenty minutes past and it had become clear that they were waiting us out, till we least expect them to attack. Soon the silence would become suspicious, so as much as a risk it would be, I had to cut it through once more.

"Hey Cry, you and your friends have played this game before, right?" I set up small talk. Lucky everyone, including Felix, understood what I was doing and didn't do anything that blow our cover.

"Yeah, why?" Cry kept in going.

"How long do these things usually go on for?" I question genuinely, I really did want to know.

"It depends who your playing with really. Where they hide the flag, how good their aim is, their stealth players, all of it depends. If their not all that good, then the game would be finished by the day. If your of equal fire power, it could last for a few day's. The longest I've ever gone for is five day's, before my original team and I won," Cry explained monotoned, so that we would still be about hear around us.

"Wait, original team?" Luke jumped in.

"Yeah, before I met these guys, my childhood friends and I played all the time, it was like our religion. We played so often in as many different areas as we could, we eventually made a name for our selves. We become one of the best out there. But as time went on, we grow up, got jobs and went separate ways," Cry lectured.

"What were you guys called," Mark piped in, obviously never hearing this much of the story before.

"We were the Late Night Crew, second in the USA, CTF games back six years ago,"he looked up, getting lost in his past.

I then realised our mistake, as I watched the red liquid spray into our faces.

We let our guard down!

But... but what I sore right in front of me was impossible!!

But it wasn't! That was made clear by the screams fleeing from Felix's mouth. Luke yelling at us all to run and Mark standing frozen in the now mercy red water. My mind hardly processed anything as I grabbed ahold of Felix who kicking and screaming for us to go back. But we couldn't, because he was dead.

Cry was shot, with live ammo!!


PLOT TWIST!!! I hope you guys all enjoyed that. Yes, Cry is dead, Sorry, not sorry.

Have you figured it out yet? 😈

Anywho, peace ✌️

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