New resolve (Felix)

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For hours, for hours it was just frantic running. I could only just register the burning pain in my legs as I kept on moving forward. I could barely register anything, not with the uncontrollable sobs rippling through my chest and the tears constant flow down my cheeks.

"FeLiX.... FELIX! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" Mark... It was Mark.. I think.

I clear my eye's of the salty tears as I look around. We were no longer in the dark likes of the moggy swamp land. Had we really been running that long? The trees here stood high up like pine cone trees, while there was no grass on the ground, if there was, it's all dead now.

Just like 'he' was.

I look around, emptiness filling the now dark void known as my soul.


The bright blue sky loomed over the lash green hills of Sweden. Few tree's overlapped each other as the sun slowly set into a soft orange as two young men hiked the hills together. Once they made it to the top of the hill they were climbing, they laid on the ground avoiding any sharp rocks, whiles their laughter never seizing.

"That sounded like it was a weird recording session, yet then again, a session with both Mark and Jack is always weird," a somewhat tall man with long-ish brown hair and a green sweater remarked. But his most noticeable feature was the white poker face mask that was slightly moved to the side, so you could see most of his face.

"Yeah! Although it didn't get as weird as some of the recording session we've had, hooolllyyy shit!" A blond haired, blue eyed Swedish man responded with a chuckle.

They continue their conversation until the sun had set and colourful spots littered the calming dark sky.

"Cry," the Swedish man spoke "why did you chose to be with me, of all people?"

"Because, I love the way your sandy blond hair falls loosely over your shining blue eyes. I love how you don't care what people think about you. The way you follow your dreams without being swayed, and your kind, but not too kind to your friends. Your loud and always try to entertain everyone. The list goes on," Cry, as the man was called, told he's presumed lover.

"Wow! That was so cheesy Ryan," the Swedish laughed at he's boyfriend words, but happy no less.

"I know, but that is how I feel Felix," Cry spoke honestly "I love you after all".

"I love you to," they both sat in silence for a short while, both lost in their own thoughts.


"Yeah," Cry responded.

"Are your friends alright with this? Ever since you and I started dating you haven't really been spending time with them," Felix stated.

"We still talk over recording sessions, but, to be honest, we were kind of falling apart anyway. So I don't really see how this is going to change anything. Besides, I don't think they understand what our relationship really is," Cry explained to his doubtful boyfriend.

"What do you mean 'not understanding what our relationship really is'?" Felix pushed further.

"I mean, they think I'm only using you for views. Come on, I'm not like other YouTuber's (cough cough Jake Paul cough cough)!" Cry seethed.

"I know your not Ryan, don't let it get to you. As long as you know it isn't true, it isn't true. You don't need to prove that," Felix calmed the obviously angered man.

"Yeah, your right, although, I really am going to miss CTF," Cry agreed.

Once again there was a short silence between the two men.

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