Strats (Sean)

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Has nothing to do with the story itself, but this song is the only song I can listen to while writing. It's my religion XD. And every now an then I'd listen to No Money.

Song: Wild Thing's by Alessia Cara

This... This was going to be a nightmare.

Watching their team right now is torture. They are divided into three, which will drive a wedge between everyone, resulting in us losing the game, AND to make matter's worse, our groups haven't met before. I mean, being an Irish youtuber, your bound to meet other Irish youtuber's, which is probably why Brain the bastard, is smiling over at the ammo bay.

I turn to the group of people behind me,"who do you think we should elect as our co-captain. We should chose wisely, their team isn't all that functional right now, it's as bright as day," I whisper to my red headed boyfriend Mark or as the world of YouTube calls him, Markiplier.

(Mark still has red hair in this story, work with it XD)

"Honestly, I think Cry is the best choice. He'll be able to keep an eye out for both teams.... and hopefully keep Felix in line," he responded with perfect logic.

"Still, who's going to be the second leader, I don't really see any level headed leader types in their group. Their all acting so childish, I mean, we do to, but they take it to another level," I concur.

"I wouldn't be so quick to say that Jack," Cry then pops up out of nowhere "it may not seem like it, but in all three of the divides, there's at lest one or two possible leader's. At this rate, it not who's the more likely leader, it's the most trusted and valuable player on the field".

"Who in THEIR excuse of a team, is likely to be a leader, look at them, their all jokes, they can't even keep their group together properly," Felix intersects.

(No hate towards pewds, he's a really great guy, but I need him to be like this for the plot)

"Well, I've met Evan before," Mark throws out "he may seem childish, but when it comes down to it his probably just as levelheaded as Cry".

Just then, I chose to put my two cents in "Brian is similar in a way, he may seem like an air head, but if he see's something slightly off, he knows before anyone else and has probably figured everything out by the time they even realise somethings wrong".

"That means he all ready knows something's not right with his team, right?" a British voice speaks up from the back of our small crowd.

"Yeah, he most likely already does Minx," Cry answer's once more while cocking his gun his hair falling down over his white pocker face mask.

"Cry, what's wrong, you seem somewhat out of it," pewds then voices his worries for his longtime boyfriend.

"It's alright, I'm just thinking ahead for the game, strategising," he say while putting Felix's and the rest of as at ease.

Krism, Minx's wife, then walked up to us after retrieving paint bombs "so is it going to be Cry leading or not?"

"Sure, I don't mind," said person answered back.

"HEY, TEAMMATE'S, YOU CHOSEN YOUR LEADER YET," I screamed in order to get their attention.

"FUCK YEAH!" Yelled Wildcat, I think.

"WHO," Mark then yelled starting the loud pattern all over again.


"It's Evan," Mark assured.

(Time skip cause bitch I don't know what else to do on that part)

Everyone had gone and sat in a circle around a small wooden table, on the table was a map of the entire arena. Not only do we have to memorise the landscape, but we also have to figure out were the other teams base is and raid it before they find our's. We also have to find a good place around the base to hide the flag so then it makes it harder for the other's to find it once they are here. Then after that's all worked out, we have to figure out who will be defensive and offensive, meaning who will be protecting the flag and who while be scouting for the opposing teams flag.

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