Games (Marcel)

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Basicallyidowrk/Marcel's POV

After picking up Craig, we had driven to the resort in non-stop chatter, I'm still wondering how Anthony slept through it all cause' Craig talks so god damn loud!

Arriving at the resort, that looks and sounds more like a retreat to me, we headed straight for the front office, only to meet up with Evan and Jon. They had both come together cause' Evan went down to meet up with Jon in North Carolina, although no one else realised this.... I think.

We had checked into our cabin and let the lady at the front desk know that there were still more people coming to join us. On our walk to our cabin I look out towards the 'road' we came in on, only to see a red car headed in with two very familiar faces in it. But on closer inspection, an angle in my eyes was riding back seat of the red car.

Scotty, or 407, my one and only boyfriend. He had brown hair sifting off the the side, and light brown eyes that could reflect stars, he, in my eyes, was beautiful. Although, unlike Evan, Jon, Tyler and Craig, Scotty and I are only secretly dating. We haven't come out yet, cause' we had only been dating for a few months now, although I had been crushing on him LONG before that.

Oh, and David/ Daithi De Nogla and Lui Caliber/ Lui Caliber..... The other two occupants of the car.

David was a tall lanky man with black hair and dark eyes, a very strange combination for being the pale Irishman he is. By the looks of it, he was also wearing his normal black and grey plaid button up shirt that still hangs loosely on his lien figure.

Lui.... Where do I start with my little monkey brother. Lui was as short as they come, he had dark brown hair and beard with his tan skin accompanying it. His eyes that little shade bit darker then his hair. Unlike many of our group, Lui was not worried about what he wore, therefore he didn't wear anything that made him stand out all that much.

We walk into the wooden cabin that was decorated with ropes, fish nets, and hammocks hanging from the ceiling. The very back of the cabin was on stilts extruding from the clear shallow water beneath us. The whole back wall was gone, leaving the beautiful lake display fully accessible.

Craig immediately went to a hammock directly in the middle of the room on the right next to Anthony, although I'm not sure he was aware, he looked kind of out of it.... Probably thinking about Tyler.

Jon and Evan both chose the two hammocks down the very end of the room on the left, just before the room opens up to the water front display.

Just as I walk to the hammock opposite Evan, the two idiots and the angle I saw earlier walked in making a loud scene.

"ALRIGHT!!! LETS HAVE SOME CHEERIOS" the mini monkey's childish voice booms throughout the room.

"Not yet Lui, not everyone is here," Evan sluggishly spoke back.

"Ya sure about that," Scotty responded.

Just as Scotty says that all the guys started to file in all at once.

Tyler/ I AM WILDCAT, Arlan/ SilentDroid, Ryan/ Ohmwrecker, Bryce/Bryce, Brian/Terroriser, Ryan/Smitty, Luke/CaRtOoNz, Brock/Moo (snuckle, this will stick forever XD), Mark/Gorillaphent.

(I'm not gonna describe them all cause' that would take forever XD)

Hours had gone by, and slowly days did to. We had been there for a week and a half at this point and only had three more days here. We were all dreading the day we had to go home, we had a been enjoying each other's in person company and the fun activities we had done together.

As of right now though, it was around nine at night and we were headed back to the cabin after having a big game of Ghost in the Grave Yard, when the owner of the resort came walking in our direction.

"Hey boys, I heard you were trying out all of the resorts activities and more outside of the resort," he spoke in a gruff, but kind voice.

"Yeah, we have been. But we just recently ran out of things to do and are just coming up with random ideas now," Evan spoke up.

"Great, I wanted to see if you'd like to except an offer. Tomorrow, two groups were planning of having a game of Capture the Flag, at the arena owned by the resort. But one of the groups don't have nearly as much players. So, I was hoping you'd like to level out the playing field, and join the group," he explained with hope filling his gruff voice.

"YES, Y- um, I mean, yes, we'd love to" Jon quickly stuttered.

"We would?" Mark questioned out of turn.

Jon turned toward Mark and whispered a 'shush up' before turning back the the owner, " we'd love to join the other group".

"Great, I guess I'll see you at ten in the morning then," he sighed in relief as he handed Smitty (I'm just going to call him Smitty because there are two Ryan's) and small map to the arena.

The owner then turned on his heel and walked off in the opposite direction.

We then started to walk/run back to the cabin, most of us being excited about tomorrow. Or they were like me and was just mediocre about it all. But there was one of us who didn't look to sure, David. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who noticed his anxiety.... I think.

"David, what wrong," I whisper into his ear, making sure no one else heard.

"Nothin', just somethin' doesn't feel right about tomorrow," he whispered back in his deep Irish accent.

I look towards my friends only to see two others looking out of place, with concern lingering their features, Luke and Mark.

In realising my friends concern, the feeling of nervousness started rippling through my stomach. Nervousness about tomorrow.

What the hell is going to happen tomorrow?


HOLY HELL!!! I didn't except so many people to read my book only a day after I posted the first chapter!!!! Thank you so god DAMB much for this, you guys are the reason I sat down for two and a half hours straight to write this chapter. You guys are legends!!!!!

Thank you for reading my demon brothers and sister, and I hope ya enjoyed. :)

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