Something's not right (Brock)

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I had just hang up the phone as our car sped onto the dirt road. Something wasn't right with those guy's, they were acting weird. It was one of the worst times to, team work was vital for today. If we want to help the team we've been assigned, we can't have any strain to the group. I just hope they realise this before Evan or Tyler catch's on, otherwise, there just might be conflict.

"So, have they been informed," Brian questioned.

"Yeah, we'd have a problem if we didn't tell them," I solidify.

"I'm guessin' you didn't see what Luke did this mornin' then," Brian then whispered into my ear,as to not let Ryan, Bryce and Smitty hear.

"What do you mean?" I cautiously ask.

"Everyone in that car back there is up to somethin'. Luke packed five loaded guns, they all called a car in together before decisions were officially made, and as you probably already realised over the phone, there're not acting normal either," Brian summed up.

"You make a very interesting point, but how did you notice all of that?" I interrogated.

"Simple, last night, when everyone was getting excited, they had stayed back and didn't hide the fact that they were unhappy," he explained.

"But, then what about Lui," Smitty stuck his head through the chairs.

"One, what in your right mind, did you think it would be ok to listen into our conversation. Two, although he was actin' as if he was excited, he wasn't using he's squicker voice like he normally does," Brian snapped.

"Well, one, everyone in the car was quiet, so we could hear you to plain as day. Two, that does seem like something Lui would do if he were trying to hide something," Bryce piped up from the front seat.

"But the question is, what are they hiding" Smitty popped the question.

"I don't know just yet, we'll have to keep an eye on them for now. If you notice ANYTHING out of the ordinary or that might give as a clue as to what their doing, let me know" Brian commanded.

"Am I the only one who thinks this could like in a movie.... or a book at least," Smitty intersect.

"Smitty... just... just no," Bryce disappointedly replies.

(Time skip, cause' I'm lazy... got a problem with it)

The last five minutes in the car went by silently, no one spoke after the discovery of our friends strange behaviour.

We had hoped out of the car only to meet up with the guys behind us.

Evan walked up to Smitty and said," You have the map right? Lead the way," while waving his arm at the dirt path in front of us.

"ALRIGHT!! Follow Captain Milk Bag Smitty," Smitty yelled.

"Don't fucking still my line," Evan mumbled lowly.

"I say the fucking line to Evan, don't be a little shit and move," Tyler laughs as Evan pouts, while they both start following Smitty.


(Hey guy's/girl's, I'm sooo sorry for not updating as often as usual. As most of you don't already know, school has ended for me this year, but, because of this thing's have been getting busier then I expected it would. I'm used to writing after I get home from work on the weekends, but the shop has been getting extremely busy as of resent. My co-worker has been getting sick a lot, leaving me to run a busy shop on my own, and that's NOT an easy task for a thirteen year old 😩. So I've often been too tired to do anything by the time I get home [ as in 'fall asleep in my work clothes as soon as I get home and not wake up until my alarm goes of to get me back to work' tired].

So, I just wanted to apologise and give reasoning to my small absents.)

P.S. I was planning to start the Capture the Flag game this chapter, but I needed to get this chapter out. Hence why this chapter is short. So, next chapter is going to be exciting.

P.P.S. This chapter is unedited to Daithi De Nogla's old videos, so don't complain.

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