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Today is the day. I will be going to my interview in the morning and then going to my school to get my schedule and books for tomorrow. It's about to be a full day.

I turn towards my night stand and hit snooze on my alarm clock. 6:30am it's too early. My interview isn't until 9:00am so I have plenty of time to feed the kids and get us ready. I hop into the shower trying to wash everything as fast as possible before the kids wake up. I haven't had a nice, hot, long shower in forever because I'm always afraid that the kids will either get into something or hurt themselves, especially since they are so young. So I almost always take my showers as they are sleeping. I search through some of my boxes and drawers to find a nice outfit and then I brush my teeth and hair, so I can start making breakfast. As I'm walking out of my bedroom I hear a small little cry from Rosie's room. I quickly go over to her crib and take her out and walk back to the kitchen. I quickly breastfeed her then continue with breakfast. Rosie likes breastfeeding so much that I've decide that if I'm with her I will breastfeed but most of time she'll get formula from her bottle or some solid foods. Once I finish I here tiny feet walking across the room.
"Morning mama."

"Good morning Lakelyn. Exited for your first day at daycare?"

"Yup! Do you think I can bring any of my dinosaurs?"

"I don't see why not. We'll just have to put your name on it so we know it's yours."

Once they get situated I start packing stuff up to get ready for the day. A bag of all of Rosie's and Lakelyns stuff that they'll need throughout the day, such as diapers, extra food, and extra clothes. I make sure my purse is stocked with all my information I need for the interview and for school. I'm kind of nervous for the day. If I don't get the job I'll have to work somewhere else with less costumers, which means less tips, which means less money, and I need money. I'm also scared to walk into that damn school. I'm new, I imagine there will be a few glances but maybe I shouldn't worry the town isn't small. Let's just hope that the day goes as planned.

I keep looking towards the clock. We have to leave at 8:15am. I have to drop off the kids, make sure they are situated, then go to the restaurant, I like to be a few minutes early to be polite and to show another statement that I'll be there on time, if I get the job.
"Okay hurry up we got to get dressed then we got to leave." I told Lakelyn.

"Seriously we just woke up. We didn't even get to explore." Lakelyn said.

I smiled. "We'll go this weekend when we both don't have school and daycare okay?"

"You promise?" He pouted.

"Of course I promise but we've got to get our butts moving if we want to make it to the weekend."

Lakelyn quickly finishes his breakfast then heads off back towards his room.

I look towards Rosie she has a huge smile on her face. Always my happy little girl I see. I pick her up from her high chair and walk to her room. Quickly change her diaper, pick out a cute outfit and gather up everything we need before heading out the door. I of course let Lakelyn push the buttons.

Once we get to the car park I grab Lakelyns hand and we go start the car. As I close the kids door from buckling them in I hear a familiar voice. "Hey! This your truck?"

I turn towards the voice. It's the guy from yesterday. "Uh yeah it is." I reply with a short laugh.

"Sweet I've always wanted a truck, but I also wanted a bike." He laughs, pointing towards a nice Harley taking up space that says 7B2.

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