Chapter 19

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Mike's POV
My eyes grow wide at Dr.Owens words. It was to good to be true. I waist no time and rush to the living room where Nancy is.
"Nancy!" I shout.
"What Mike?" She says surprised
"She's awake." I say to her
"Who I........." she stops and her eyes grow wide. She grabs her keys and stares at me.
"Well let's go." She says to me. I shake my head to come back into reality and head to the car. Nancy drives as fast as she can without passing the speed limit. I wanted her to go faster know. I sorta don't want the next time eleven sees to be when Im in a casket. When we got to the hospital we went the the woman up front.
"Hello" she said nicely
"We are here to see dr. Owens" I said in a whisper
"I'm sorry that doctor doesn't work here." She said slowly in another whisper. Of course he worked there. The woman up front was hired by the hospital in case someone was here to see eleven or anything classified. She recognized us but had to be sure. Nancy tapped the desk twice, paused and then tapped once, paused and then tapped three times. She peered at Nancy as she looked at her computer "looking" for Dr.Owens.
"Right this way please." She said sweetly as she walked us to eleven's room. As soon as we got to the door. I hesitated. I mean would she hate me for not being when she woke up or for letting her do what she did. Will she even remember me? Will couldn't remember people he knew for a year and I have only known eleven for a little more than a year. And I was only with her a bit even for a month yet. All of that doesn't matting because I love her. Right when i was about to open the door, the door opened. It was Dr.Owens.
"Wow you got here fast." He said with a chuckle
"How is she." I asked
"Well she awake and well......but there was some side effects." He said. My smile dropped
"What type of side affects." I asked
"Well her memory is a bit blurry but it is all slowly returning and will fully return with a full guarantee." He said. I hope she remembers me.
"Anything else?" I asked
"No" he said
"Oh well that's not to bad. I just want to see her though" I say. He gives me a smile
"Well go on ahead." He said and walked to a phone.
"Hello this is Dr.Owens. May I speak to a Dustin." I looked at Nancy.
"Go in alone, I can wait." She said with a smile. I smile back at her. I heard him say on the phone as I walked into the room.

Eleven's POV
I heard the doctor talking on the other side of the door. I don't remember much, I feel lost. I feel like I am missing a piece of me. I don't know what that piece is. I just can't remember it. I know that my name is eleven. I have a papa but he is a bad man so I left the lab. I have been in a coma for a month. The doctor said that my memory is temporarily gone. I had ask him what temporarily meant. He said that a certain word or person may bring memories back. The door opened and a boy walked in. He had dark hair and brown eyes. He feel like a memory that is so close to my thoughts but not even close at the same time. His eyes got wide at me and he smiled.i smiled back. I saw tears in his eyes as he got closer.
" eleven." He said
"I'm sorry I don't remember you." I said with a sad voice. Hey s smile faded and turned a really saddening face. I feel bad that I can't remember.
"It's me mike." He said with his weak voice. "You don't remember me?" He then asked. I shook my head. He stood up. He then gave me a weak smile.
"Well let me help." He said
"Ok" I say a bit confused
"You are my......" he gulped and turned "best friend." He said nervously. I don't know why got so red.
"Your favorite food are eggos." He said with a light laugh.
"What are eggos?" I asked. His smile turned into worried.
"You don't even remember eggos?" He asked. I shook my head.
"Ok well you are friends with some boys names, Dustin, Lucas,will, a girl named Max, and me. You saved a will from a bad place call the upside down." He said as my eyes shot open. Flashes of the upside down came into mind. None of the boy named mike or his friends. He noticed my surprise
"Do you remember the upsidown?" He asked. I nodded my head.
" how about me and the boys." He asked with a smile.i shook my head sadly. His smile faded a bit.
"That's ok I will visit when you remember more." He said standing up. He grabbed my hand and it felt, like I had done it before.
"Goodbye el." He said letting go of my hand and walking away. my eyes went wide at the word el. All of it came back to me at once. From the boys finding me at the forest, to me defeating the shadow monster. Every detail came back to me in that one second.
"M...mike?" I said as he reached for the handle.
"Yeah el" he said confused
"Can you sit here for a while." I asked him. I want him to know I remember to be special.
"Sure" he said with a smile. He came back over and sat down. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.
"Mike?" I said
"Yeah eleven." He asked. I took a deep breath and I felt myself blush at what I was about to do. I sat up quickly a kissed him. At first he was hesitant but then he kissed back. After a couple of seconds we pulled back. We smiled at each other
"You remember." He said with a smile
"How could I forget."

Wow. Just wow. That was a pretty good chapter huh. Oh by the way the comments you guys leave are ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY DISGUSTINGLY......AMAZING.
The support guys are awesome. I am going to do a quick shout out for some comments that have made my day and made me feel like a real writer. Some readers or writes on this list wrote a lot more comments but I didn't want to hold back to long before I uploaded the Chapter
- @abbystill 
- Comment - "You don't understand how flipping excited I get when one chapter of this story comes out😂!"
- @fanfictionaddict1234
- Comment - "i love this can't wait for more .keep doing what your doing cause its make me happy and other people happy."
- @Stranger_Thingz_011
- Comment - "Why am I on the the verge of crying never mind scratch that I am crying😭"
- Comment - "This is awesome☹️"
- @StrangeFiction
- Comment - "Oh my gosh just started reading this is amazing."
- @fandomsislife
- comment was too long to copy but thank you so much
- Comment - "How do you write so well"
- @nixmh_wolf
- Comment - "please update more often this story is AMAZING"

Thanks for the comments BYEEEE

Promise (Mike x eleven)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin