Chapter 17

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(Play vid for dramatic affect)
Mike's POV
we all began to step into the school. It wasn't a school anymore though, it was hell. I hope nobody is hurt in there. As we walked into our worst nightmare we found out that it was worse than we thought. It looked like how everyone described the upsidown. It looked like the tunnels.....but worse. There wasn't a single spot that wasn't covered black vines. I watched my step remembering what happened last time I was in a place like this. I held elevens hand tightly out of pure fear for the both of our safety.
"Alright guys, you know the plan." Hopper said.
Everyone nods their heads and Nancy and Jonathan go to find the thermostats to turn down any speck of heat. The mind flare isn't exactly here but it's smart enough not to come. After a couple of minutes Jonathan and Nancy come back a nodded their heads showing that the thermostat was turned all the way down.
"Alright everyone standstill and be quite." Kali said slowly. We all stood still as she began to use her powers. After about 20 minutes everywhere began to fill with dark cloud. The shadow monster is here now. I heard something. It sounded like Dustin but I knew it was the plan to convince the shadow monster that Dustin was alone and afraid.  Everything was going according to plan. Then I heard a familiar sound and remembered something we forgot and regretted it. I shifted my eyes around to see the fear on everybody's face. Well everybody except Kali and get gang. They were confused. I began to shake as I felt the ground vibrate thud after thud. We all stood still and demagorgans began to slowly fill out the area. How have forgotten how Dustin mentioned that they were all still alive. Kali stuck to plan. We did have to shift around if the demadogs came to close to touching us.  I felt really sweaty. I breath began to shake as my gears began to skip beats. This was a definite setback.

Elevens POV
I can't believe we die about the demagorgans. We are so stupid. Mike is holdIng my hand and for the first time it wasn't really helping the fear that grew inside of me. I then remembered the time when I had to kill the demagorgan and the time I killed another demagorgan. I then had a plan. I know what I have to do even though it is against the plan and is risky. I focus and use of a lot of energy. I feel myself drain as the beasts freeze. Everyone looks at the monsters in confusion. After a couple of second they all fall to the ground. I felt so drained but was will to keep going. Mike looked at me. He shook his head. I felt a tear to down my face as I nodded mine. It have been less dangerous to not kill every demagorgan but we needed to be safe. Even though I know that this could kill me, I need to kill the shadow monster. I love mike and everyone enough to sacrifice my life. I let go of Mike's hand and walk towards the room where the shadow monster is. I can tell it is trying to hurt the fake Dustin but is confused on why it can't. I could soon tell that my invisible cloak was go and that the shadow monster was aware of my presence. He snakes his shadowy black arms toward me. I raise my hand up to it and begin to use my power. I could feel it and myself weaken. I began to scream and remember everything and everyone I love. I could hear the shadow monster screeching. I began to scream as the shadow monster began to disappear slowly. It tried to reach for me.i was able to make it snap away from be. I soon began to lift from of the ground and raise my second hand into the air.i yelled louder as the beat began to screech louder. The room began to get hot. The plan is  working. Nancy and Jonathan must have turned the thermostat up all the way now. I look back to where everybody is crowded staring at me. I look at mike who has tears falling down his face along with everybody else. I mouth " I love to him."
I see him mouth it back to me. I turn around to see particles of red and orange light begin to tower over the beast. My powers along with the   intense heat are killing it. I then use all my power until it the light of red and orange overpower the monster. It disintegrates more and more. I hear one last loud overpowering screech from the monster as it disappears. I take a few short breaths before everything goes blurry and I fall to the ground. Black and the light of the room shift back and fourth. The sound of people fade over and over.
"Call.....ambulance." I hear
"Don't..... go.......DYING......LIVE.....ELEVEN. I LOVE YOU." Was all I heard but tell it was mike.
"M....mike." I mutter. "I...I..." was all that got out. Soon everything went black. For some reason my hearing began to shift again but I couldn't see. I heard sirens and screaming. I also heard crying. I was to weak to say to do anything. After a couple of minutes I couldn't hear or see anything. It was black everything. I scream in my own mind. I knew I would be heard though. Am I dead? Am I alive? Is the shadow monster gone? Is everybody ok? I could only think about every at this point. These questions kept coming to mind and then one totally heartbreaking question came to my mind. My worst fearful nightmare. A question that could haunt me for the rest my life or whatever is happening to me.
Will I every see mike again?
Deeeeeeep. Don't worry guys this is NOT THE END. I was going to make it longer but I wanted to leave you guys off on a cliffhanger. You shouldn't have to wait long though. Damn do I have a hand cramp from writing so fast.

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