Chapter 11

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Mike's POV
It was perfect. Right now is perfect. Having Eleven's arms wrapped around me is perfect. Eleven is now my girlfriend. Oh yeah and to top that off she loves me and I love her. That is a lot to take in, in one night. She and I were hugging. We had also just kissed. I can do that whenever I want now. I'm so happy right now. El pulled away from me and began to test her head on my shoulder. I looked at my watch. It said 9:30. How the hell did it get so late. I know we have to go home.
"El I know you will hate me but we have to go home." I say to her with a sigh
"I could never hate you mike. I understand." She says with her beautiful calming sweet voice. I get up and grab her hand to help her up. We head to our house. It was pitch black but luckily my bike lights were on. As we made our way through the streets I felt eleven's grip on my waist grow tighter. I have a small chuckle. As we made our way home it was already 9:48. We entered my house and Nancy started screaming at us.
"Where were you two." She yelled at us. I didn't want to tell her that I had just gone on a date with el. She would mock me.
"We went on a date." Eleven spurts out. I mentally face palm myself. I could see a small smirk rising in Nancy's face but she was also still angry.
"Guys that is no excuse for being out till almost ten o'clock." She yelled
"I'm sorry Nancy it's my fault. I lost track of time." I said honestly
She gave us an unsure look.
"Fine I will let it slide just this once but next time you are in trouble. Don't forget that I am in charge for the next 3 weeks." She says with a serious tone.
"Go brush your teeth and head to bed. You have school tomorrow mike. El I have to figure out what to do with you." Nancy says
"I can teach her everything I know." I suggest.
"I guess that can work." Nancy says pleasingly to herself. I smile at Nancy and me and el head upstairs to brush our teeth. I then get some pajamas that Nancy had bought for eleven this weekend. She also bought eleven some clothes.
"Here put these on." I smile at el, handing her the pajamas. She smiles at me and heads I to the bathroom. She comes out wearing a two piece light blue pajamas. They looked pretty soft. The sleeves flopped around her arms and legs. That means that they aren't tight. They were cute on her. I smiled at her.
" how do they fit." I asked her
"Good." She says looking at the pajamas.
"Ready for bed." I ask her. She nods her head.
"Your new bed will be here soon so you won't have to sleep on the fort." I smile at her
"Will I sleep here?" She asks
"Yeah is that alright." I question her.
"Yes I just want to be closer to you." She admits. I smile at her
"Well we do have a spare room that we don't use that's next to my room." I implied
She nods her head. Cool so my girlfriend will sleep in the room next to me. Awesome. I go to her and softly and slowly kiss her on the cheek. When I pull away we smile at each other. I get up and walk up the stairs.
"Goodnight el." I say that her sweetly
"Goodnight mike." She says softly. I walked up the stairs. That had made me think about the first time I had ever been with el. She told me who she was and we gave her the nickname that I Love. She sounded so cute and innocent that day when she said Goodnight to me for the first time. I smiled thinking about it. I then went upstairs to my room and crawled into my bed. I drifted to sleep thinking about eleven.

Same POV
I woke the next morning with a smile on my face. Yep El is still my girlfriend and she still . loves me. I look at my clock. S*** I'm gonna be late for school if I don't hurry. I quickly get dressed and run downstairs. El is already down in the dining room eating eggos. I saw a plate next to her with Eggos in it and figured it was for me. I sat down next to el and started to eat.
"Good morning el." I say with a smile in my face
"Morning mike." So said in a slightly sad voice
"Are you okay." I ask her with concern.
"Well I had another dream." She said sadly.
"What was it about." I asked
"It was the shadow monster. It was watching school." She said. I felt myself shiver. It was creepy thinking about the shadow monster watching us. I hugged her as she began to lightly cry.
"Shh it's ok it's over." I say to her calmly.
I feel her tears begin to slow down.when she stops crying she pulls away. I put my hand on her cheek.
"I love you" I say to her. I see her blush and smile weakly
"I love you to mike." She smiles weakly again.
"Enough with the PDA guys." Nancy says as she walks in. I begin to blush. El gives a questionable look.
"I'll explain later." I say to her. I look at my watch and realizethat I should be heading to school.
"I'm going to be late." I say in a hurry. I kiss eleven of the head quickly.
"Bye Nancy." I say whole rushing out the door. I then hop on my bike and meet up with the guys to go to school. After meeting up we eventually arrive at school.
I hope you guys liked this chapter. I didn't take me long but I think it's pretty good. BYEEEE

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