Chapter 15

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Alright guys and girls. I know I left you guys off on a cliff hanger. I also know that I have not been updating often. BUT TODAY I WILL MAKE IT UO TO YOU GUYS.Take a deep breath. This will be a VERY long chapter so get you eggos, your tissue's and all Your stranger things merch cause this is going to be the most, Dramatic, romantic and action packed, best chapter that you you have ever read in any chapter of any book. Oh and the best part... ITS NO WHERE NEAR THE FINALE AT ALL. Hope you enjoy.

Eleven's pic
"Mike! What do you mean. All of us." I asks is a concerned and scared tone. Mike looked at me concerned and scared. His lips quivered and his voice became shaky.
"Dustin, Lucas, will, Max, me, Steve, Nancy, Jonathan,Hopper, mrs wheeler, and you."
"How do you know." I asked him.
"I feel it. Not like in my gut. But inside of me."
My eyes go wide.
"Like will?" I asked scared
"No not like that. It's a feeling. I think it's planning something." He says very seriously
"Like what." I gave him a fearful look.
"I don't know but we need to find out" he paused and gave me a serious look." and we stop it."
Dustins POV
I feel weird. Well I actually I have been feeling weird. I feel like something is inside of me and Im scared. What if I end up like will. It cant be. Right. I haven't told anyone yet. I need to. I think will is the best option. He would know. I grab my walkie talkie and turn it on.
"Will come in. Over." I say to the walkie talkie
"What are you doing it's the middle of the night. Over." I hear will say on the walkie talkie.
"Can you come to my house. I need to talk to you. It's important. Like code red important Over" I say in a hurry
"Alright I'll be over in 10. Over and out." He says of the now static walkie. I turn it off and pace my room back and fourth for ten minutes until he arrives. When he shows up I grab him and shove him into my room.
"What's wrong? You seemed worried on the walkie talkie." Will says concerned
"Well I haven't exactly been telling the truth about everything." I say slowly
"What do you mean?" He asked. I took deep breath.
"Remember that day when something happened to me?" I asked him
"Yeah of course. Why?He said with a confused look.
"Well the thing is. Ever since that day I have been feeling funny. I feel like something is crawling up inside me waiting to burst." I told him while my voice begins to shake.
"Have you been having episodes like I did." He asks questioningly.
"No" I answer him
"Well if it happens again and the shadow monster chasing you...." he pauses. He then gives me a wide eyed serious expression."Run from it and DONT stop running." I nod my head.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner." He asked concerned
"I didn't want you guys to worry."I admitted. He gives me a scared look.
"I made that mistake Dustin. Don't make that mistake." He says as his voice shakes. " It was too late." He continued. I give him a guilty look.
"You need to tell everybody." He says in a serious voice. My eyes go wide.
"You can't." I say to him
"If you don't it could be to late." He says concerned.
"I know but....." I said before I felt something. That thing that felt like it was about to bust inside me. It feels like it bursted. everywhere begins to hurt. I scream out in pain. Will gives me a concerned look.
"" I said shaking. Before I knew it, Everything went black.

Will's POV
There he lied. He looked almost lifeless. He was breathing though. I was frozen and wide eyed. I knew I had to call everyone though. My first option was mike.

Mike's POV
I was discussing what to plan out what was the shadow monsters next strike with eleven. We had nothing. I was pacing back in fourth with my arms crossed. I felt so stressed.Eleven looked at me concerned
"Mike...we will figure this." She said in a calming voice. I looked at her with an But of an angry look
"I feels like we can't. I mean we have nothing. No traces, barely anything to trace back on, and....." I was basically screaming until I heard static. It was coming from the walkie talkie. I looked at eleven who looked a bit upset from me yelling. I knew I had to comfort her but the walkie talkie. I walked to the walkie talkie.
"Hello. Over." I say in a mad tone.
"Mike it's Will. We have a code red emergency. It's Dustin again. I need you eleven and Nancy hear at Dustin's ASAP. Over." I heard Will say in a frightened shaky voice. My eyes got wide.
"I'll be there as fast as I can over and out." I say in a hurry. I grab the walkie talkie and eleven's arm. She looked at me shocked.
"I will explain in the car." I say to her as we rush up the stairs. I then rush to Nancy's room. I blast threw her door. She gives me a shocked and pissed off look.
"Have you ever heard of knocking? And it's 2am why the hell are you awake." She screams
"I have no time to explain. Get in the car and starts driving to Dustin's house NOW." I yell at her
"But....." she tries to say
"It's an emergency. Let's go." I say to her. She nods her head and gets her shoes on. She then rushed to her car and then me and eleven hop in. She begin to blast off the car. I looked at eleven who still had a shocked face. I still felt bad for yelling.
"I..I'm sorry for yelling." I say to her apologetically.
"I understand mike." She says with a small smile. I give her a small smile back. The car comes to a short stop. Me and eleven breath heavily. Nancy gives us a serious look.
"We're here" she says. We rush out of the car and knock on the door in a hurry. The door opens quickly. Will's frightened face told me that something was very wrong.
"Where is he?" I ask concerned
"In his room." He says. We run into Dustin's room where he lays on the floor.
Within 20 minutes everybody was here. Even Steve.The only person who wasn't here is Dustin's mom who is at a job thing. We were all in a panic. What could be going on in his head.

Dustin's POV
I woke up in the upside-down again. Sh*t. I look around to see where I was. It was my room except cold dark and black vines surrounding it all. I began to shake. I thought I escaped this living hell but I didn't.  I looked around for another exit like last time. No luck. I go to the "outside" of the upside down I begin to look around. I hear a noise. It sounds familiar. The noise gets louder. I then know what the sound is.i turn around to see a demagorgan looking at me. It looks almost calm. It walked towards me slowly. I weirdly don't feel scared. I squint at it and realize.
"Dart." I say swiftly under my breath. I thought he died. Does that mean that they are all alive. I don't know weather to be scared or happy.
"H...hey buddy. It's me D...Dustin." I say shaky. He walked closer to me. He makes a noise that  sounds friendly.
"I'm happy to see you too." I give him a smile. An idea poops into my mind.
"Can you help me get out of here." I ask him slowly
He gives me another sorta disappointing noise. I could tell that was a no.
"Can you help me stay alive." I ask
He give me a happy noise. That was a yes. I give him a smile. I begin to walk as he follows me. I look back at him
"Are there other demagorgans alive." I ask
He gives me a screech. I took it as a yes
"Well that's not good." I say as I continue walking. In about 20 minutes we arrive at the school. I hoped there would be a gate on the way but no luck. I look at the doors to the gym. What I saw was unbelievable. There were a bunch of gates. Maybe twenty of them. I would've gone in but something stopped me. I could see small black things going inside of them. It looked dangerous so I pressed on to the cafeteria with Dart behind me. I put my head to the door and saw the same thing. I rushed Mr.Clarks room and the same thing.  Why were all these small black things going on them. They looked like......shadows. Then it hit me. What if the shade e monster is finding its way into Hawkins bit by bit. Then it could regroup into one spot and then becomes whole.
"Dart I....." i looked him and he wasn't there.
"Dart?" I whisper yelled. I ran outside to see Dart.he was looking at something I looked up with him and saw the shadow monster. He was smaller. Still way bigger than me but smaller. He kept getting smaller slowly. I saw prices of him disappear. I looked all around and saw gates everywhere. Pieces of shadow were everywhere. The shade w monster was looking at me and I could feel it. Then everything began to fade away. Everything went black. I then sat up and saw all my friends surrounding me.
"It's coming." I say seriously

Mike's POV
I look at Dustin with de eyed . I was shocked not only cause he just woke up out of no where but I was confused.
"What's coming." I ask him
"The mind flare." He says
"The mind flare is coming and the demagorgans are alive." He says to us. We all look at each other.
"What did you see." Will asked.
For the next twenty minutes Dustin explained everything. Dart the gates and the shadow monster.
"Makes sense" eleven says.
"Eleven can you defeat it." I ask her.
"I Don't know." She says doubtfully. I gave her a disappointing look.
"What can we do?" Max asked
"I don't know I mean there is know way we can defeat it on our own. We also can't expect eleven to defeat a huge threat like this one on our own." I say
Elevens POV
Everybody begins to talk to each other on how to defeat the shadow monster. Mike said I can't do it on my own. He is right. I cant. Then it hit me. I'm not going to do it in my own. I tug on Mike's sleeve. He looks at me.
"Yeah el" he asks
"I have an idea." I say to him
"What is it." He asked me.
"Remember my sister. The one I told you about." I ask him
"Yes. The one with the power of illusion." He says
"Maybe she can help." I say
He makes a thinking face.
"Well we do need all the help we can get." He says
"So is that yes." I ask him
He nods his head. He then explains to the group the plan. I use my memory to find Kali. I didn't even need a blindfold. Everything went black. She was alone. Very alone. She want talking to anyone. She is also near. About 20 minutes away from this area. She seems sad. I snap into reality. I look at mike who was staring at me.
"I found her and she is close." I tell him. He tells everybody and then we all rush outside into the night sky. There were a bunch of cars. We all got into different cars and I told them where she was. We used the walkie talkies to talk threw the cars. When we got there it was a dark alleyway. I see her. She was sitting on a box by a fire with her crew. Axel saw me.
"Kali look it's Shirley." Axel said.
Kali turned around and saw me. She got wide eyed.
"Jane you're back." She says. I nod and smile a bit.
"I thought you needed to help your friends." She said
"I did. Now We need your help."
"We?" The whole gang walked behind me.
"These are my friends. Mike, Dustin, Lucas, will, Max, Nancy, Jonathan, Hopper, Joyce, and a guy named Steve." I say pointing at all of them. I pause and look back at them.
"They are all my family." I say to her.
I hope you guys liked this long chapter. I have really been saving up for it. I will get started on the next chapter which will also be double as long. OMG GUYS I HIT 2k and I now have 80 followers. Thank so much for the support and I can't wait to keep writing

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