Chapter 19: Trade

Start from the beginning

Airias stopped for a moment not even attempting to attack me, though I was the slowest there. She started whispering under her breath. Some sludge dropped out of the sky. I pulled in a Clone. "Go find Eneas. She should know Airias's weaknesses. She has to have a weakness."

The clone ran off. "Let's make a deal babe" I yelled. She turned around and smiled. It's going to take alot of energy killing her minion sludge thing. Energy that was wasted flying all across the city earlier

"So you got scared and now you want to surrender?" She laughed.

"I'll go down without a fight. In exchange for Astrid." I charged up. "I killed your minions before and I'll do it again."

"What makes you so sure-"

I shot a medium sized blast towards her minion and it's entire top half was hardened. "There are 7 little clones who can do the same."

"Why do you think I want you?"

"One for my crystal, and I know where the other two are." I smiled eyeing the bag of crystals strapped to her waist. She stared at me suspiciously.

"Alright... Deal...."

"Zach don't you dare." My father snapped.

"Why isn't he at the hospital yet?" I yelled. I was suddenly hit from behind. I cursed and ripped off the small clone that was choking the life out of me.

"Eneas said that she can only die from. A direct impalement from behind. She has an open sore from when Venus last fought her. With either a large blast or a sharpened object. Her hair serves as protection. We can't get through it unless it's completely over the cut." She squeaked. All the clones turned around awaiting orders.

"Find something sharp. I'll get her hair up. Make sure you finish off the blob. Just work on trying to kill her the easiest way."

"If I smash this bubble.... Astrid also shatters, so don't try anything funny." Airias said. "Let's get this done. She pulled out a device. I went closer to her and gave her my hand. She cuffed is together and gave the bubble to a Clone.

Astrid popped out with bruises and cuts. They ushered her away quickly. I watched as the clones quickly finished the minion. "I guess this is good bye Zachary Dellis..." She said smiling in triumph.!

"It's been fun fighting you." I held her hands. Her face turned confused. "I know I'm with Venus now but... Since she isnt here I need a goodbye kiss from somewhere."

"Are you trying to kill me?" she glared. My heart sank. Shit. She pushed her lips onto mine and put the device onto my chest.

My body started vibrate and get dizzy. I was shaking. She started to push me down with the device. I couldn't fight back at all.. I grabbed her hair before I fell and yanked it up hoping the Clones can finish it.

I started throw up uncontrollably. It started to come out in another color, blue. I watched as the crystal inside the device was turning blue as well. My powers are coming out of me anyway it can. Everything was shaking. The colors that I could used to be able to see began to distort. I started screaming in pain as I started losing feeling in my toes. Airias started to shriek with me

The device started to slack, but she was still holding me in place. I screamed in agony. It's like a part of me is being ripped out. I can even seen it. Am I hallucinating? My screams suddenly stopped. Why is this device still touching me. I looked up and Airias's eyes were glaring and putting as much energy she could. My mouth was still open but the sounds were faded

She knew she was going to die. But she was planning to take me with her. She started speaking but I couldn't hear. She started screaming but I still could hear. My mouth started feeling bland. My head started to throb over and over. I threw up one last time before I fell to the floor. My eyes began to heat up as I choked. My eyes rolled back as I began to thrash around.

My chest collapsed in a final breath and I suddenly-

The device was suddenly moved the small Clone picked it up and smashed it. She also had the bag of crystals. A muffled tone came closer to me. I laid motionless...... My hearing is coming back. My vision was starting to take shape. Venus stood above me concerned.

"You're......alright. Its ok...." I felt her hand stroking my head softly.

I said unable to move my arms. She movef towards my face and caressed it in relief. I blinked. I can move my face.

"And you're alive. Thank God for baby V. Now..... what the FUCK were you thinking?!"

I tried my best to laugh but it just sounded like a squeaking toy that lost its squeaker. "I missed you." I smiled.

"Now if the Clones didn't kill Airias... What would have happened. You would have died..." She started to tear up. "The crystal was turning blue and we had to break it to give you your powers back."

Her teardrop fell on my hand. My feeling there is finally back. I could hear my breathing..... slow... but working.

"It was carefully thought out." I said sitting up and getting a migrane.

"Zach.... What if the clones disappeared. What if Airias's weak spot wasn't her back. What if that device was an instantaneous thing. What if-"

I pulled her into a hug. "Then I would have given my life for the people I love..... and i'd do it again."

"I hate you so much." She mumbled holding me.

"You could never hate me." I laughed. She pulled away from the hug and her face changed. I shivered at the thought of something wrong again.

"I... Zach..." She said showing me my hands. My veins were blue and appearing around my body. I didnt feel anything but it looked straight out of a sci fi movie.

"You are just glowing." She said.

"You are too!!" I noticed the purple as she pulled off her mask.

A sudden bursts of energy emmited from us. Execpt that delivered to much of a shock to a brain that was tortured. "Zach? Zach?!" The words rung through my head. My vision became blurred again as I laid there paralyzed.

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