Chapter 14

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Jason's pov

"If that school took care of the people bullying him, he wouldn't have done it." After much protesting and discussion, they won't relent. Life in prison still. It's infuriating. I decide to go visit him, no longer ticked at him but at the school system and justice system for failing this poor boy. He instantly looks terrified when I walk in. His hands were handcuffed in front of him. "I'm sorry!! Please don't hurt me!!" "I'm not here to hurt you." I say. "Y-You're not?" I shake my head. "You don't deserve this, Nick." "Yes I do. I killed them." He whimpers crying. "And I hurt Miranda. I'll never be able to forget. I'm so sorry. Tell her I'm sorry." I hug him. "She forgives you son." "I'm so dead. They're gonna kill me." I wish there was something I could do. "Have your parents been up to visit you?" He sighs. "They disowned me the day I was arrested. Said so on national TV." Poor kid. I don't blame him at all for what happened, looking at his life. "I'm going to try to get you out, Nick. I promise." He forces a terrified smile. "Thanks." "Be strong in there son."

Sorry it's so short

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