The Legend Says It All

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They’ve sorted us into these rooms by teams. I think they believe that if we know each other we would work well together. I look over at Maxon from the selection and picture him bro hugging Peter from Divergent and I nearly drop my dinner on the floor.

“What are you looking for?”

I turn my head around to face the voice. June Iparis from Legend is staring at me from the bunk bed next to mine. I realized that for a good twenty minutes while everyone was getting to know each other I had just sat on my bunk bed and stared in awe. A few eyes had turned towards me curiously but I had avoided them effectively. I wasn’t here to draw attention, that I knew of.

  Apparently while I stared dumbfounded, June had stared at me.

You know how there are some characters that influence you so much and you just wish to be them? Well, that was June, for me.

I turned to face her trying to suppress the excitement that was breaking my face. “Looking? Well- No, I’m not looking for anyone. “

She raised an eyebrow, “Well, your body language disagrees with you. You’re leaning into an acute angle that shows your interest in the people in front of you. However, oddly you don’t proceed to engage as the grip that you have on your dinner tray states. You make no move to remove the strands of hair that have fallen infront of your face and your eyes dart across the room every one and a half seconds.”

Ah, there’s my June.

“We are meant to be a team,” I reply. “I was just looking for everyone’s reactions. I want to see everyone’s reactions.”

She tilted her head to the side and stared once more. Then all of a sudden she broke the impending silence,” The most genuine reactions were the ones in the first two minutes. You can’t rely on their faces now. They’ve all settled their emotions. The award is set into their brains.”

I raised an eyebrow, “And it’s not set in yours?”

She shuffled further into her bunk. “I never said that.”

We stared at each other in silence.

“So,” she said slowly, “Who would you bring back if you could?”

Well, let me point at all the authors that dug a grave for all the characters that I love: John Green, Suzzane Collins, JK Rowlin-

“Well, I don’t really have just one person I would bring back... I think I would just like to get out of this alive,” I replied. That was probably the most honest thing I’ve ever said.

I wouldn’t survive here. God, I don’t even know what outside is anymore. All I want to do is stay alive and get back home to my reading nook and finish all those series I started.

God, what if I die?

I won’t know the ending to all the book series I’ve started.

I shivered.

“Aren’t you going to ask me?” I looked up, shocked. For a second there I had forgotten that June was talking to me. I hesitated before answering and I knew that gave me away. I didn’t need to ask whom she would like to save. She had so many people to want back.

Just before I could answer her, we were interrupted.

A girl with strawberry blonde curls stepped forward and grinned at June and I.

“Ah, June,” Cassie from The Fifth Wave grinned. “Irritating the new members again I see?”