Fictional Lover

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“Well, she is pretty,” Juliette says to me.

I choke on my food.

Before I could tell Juliette how ridiculous that was, a shadow cast over our table, making everyone freeze.

I looked up at Peeta who stood at the edge of our table but what caught my attention the most was whom he was with.

Archer Huntington.

Oh lord.

Oh lordy lord lord my ovaries.

Okay, OKAY, let me just tell you. You know how you have your ultimate fictional boyfriend ever that not even one living thing can compare to? Archer was it.

Archer Huntington.

He had a perfectly sculptured face that held home to his tempting lips, clean chin and undeniably irresistible icy blue eyes.

And get this: he was a gentleman, charming and a big sign that said, “oi, you right there, chivalry is not dead and can I take your ovaries?”

Most definitely could he take my ovaries.

I would sell my soul to him.

Oh gosh, I couldn’t imagine any girl who wouldn’t. The words in the book I had read that he was in hadn’t done him justice at all. His dirty blonde hair was golden and light seemed to reflect off it and illuminate the room.

Archer Huntington illuminated the room.

The one thing I admired about my boy the most was that he was able to remain a chivalrous prince in the most awful dystopian society I had every read. Thing of the Hunger Games but ten times worse.

I know.

But that is why I loved him the most.

He was my prince.

My love.

The boy who I wrote the most fanfiction’s about.  The boy who was part of my tumblr url “archerhuntingtonismylover”. The boy who I requested devianart fanart from. The boy who I reread every night over and over again.

He caught my eyes and smiled a charming grin that seemed to coat my veins and prevent my ability to speak.

“I can’t say I disagree,” Archer said, answering to Juliette.

Oh. My. God.

There go my ovaries.

“Peeta and Archer!” Cassie said, “Nice to see you. This is Willa. New to this whole shindig as I’m sure you can tell.  Although I am pretty sure that Peeta and her have met.”

Peeta smiled at me and nodded, “We have.”

Archer stepped forward and gracefully placed out his hand. “However, Willa and I haven’t met and I don’t feel like we should delay it any longer.”

I am pretty sure if I was looking in the mirror right now I wouldn’t be able to distinguish myself from a tomato.

I slowly put my hand in his and shook it.

Dammit Willa, control your ovaries.

I love you Archer Huntington.

I love you.

“You can stop shaking his hand now you know,” Tris said.

I pulled back, embarrassed, and Archer chuckled, his smile blossoming.

“Anyway,” Peeta said, “We came just to alert you that the uniforms are up for collection and the timetables are out now. Our fear landscape times and inspection times are on there but as we all know, we do all our other classes together in our team. They’ve been setting up the facility for a while but we should be able to move into it this afternoon.”

Everyone’s heads perked up at Peeta.

“Really?” Tris said.

Peeta nodded, but this time he was completely grinning. The whole mood of the cafeteria seemed to lift up.

“Wait,” I said, “So we are not staying here?”

Cassie laughed, “Willa, really?! No, of course not. If they closed us up in this shit place the whole three weeks of training, I would crack a massive fit. This is just a holding place, like limbo after the teams are selected. After all the selection is done, all the teams get placed in one massive boarding school facility in which they attend training and classes. Of course we don’t share the same classes as the other teams, but…we get to see them.”


That explained the elevated mood.

Tris would get to see Tobias and Cassie and Juliette would get to see her boy toy.

Peeta would get to see Katniss.

And Archer.

Who would he get to see?

THE DYSTOPIAN GAMES // A HUNGER GAMES FANFICTIONTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang