Chapter 3

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Dani's POV:

"Well, I am officially a Real Madrid player." I thought to myself as I layed on my bed. My presentation went very smoothly and it was truly a great experience for me. After my presentation was over, my family decided to go out and celebrate since they were leaving Madrid and heading back to Sevilla the same night. They were kind enough to invite Marco too since he offered me a place to stay. I insisted that Rinz and Gori would come along too and my parents agreed. It was fun considering the fact that we all got together and caught up with each other's lifes. Rinz and Gori stayed with my sister, Salome a lot. Marco and I hung out with my cousins Javi and Pablo and my uncle Dani sometimes came to annoy us. At one point, I noticed Rinz talking with my mother and father. I could tell that my mother liked Rinz a lot so once I tell my family about Rinz and I, I know there will be no problems because they like her. After my parents left Madrid, me and Marco stayed in his room and played a couple games of FIFA while Rinz and Gori were in Rinz's room doing God knows what. After some time, Marco got tired and said he wanted to get some sleep so he can wake up early in the morning. That's why I am currently in my room staring at the ceiling thinking about everything that happened today, because I am so bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. I got out of my bed and decided to wander the house a little. When I left my room, I noticed the door to Rinz's room was opened and I couldn't hear anyone talking, all I can hear is music being played. I knocked on her door.

"COME IN." She yelled.

I opened the door and walked in. "Hola." I smirked at her.

She looked suprised to see me as she got out of her bed to lower the music down. "Hola." She innocently smiled.

"Where's Gori?" I asked.

"Bathroom." She answered.

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "I missed you." I said.

"You saw me like an hour ago." She giggled.

"Yeah, but throughout the whole day we haven't properly hung out together." I frowned.

"I know." She sighed. "When do you want to tell Marco about us?"

"Tomorrow morning?"

"Tomorrow morning?" She asked freaking out.

"Yeah what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just..." she paused a moment to sigh. "I'm nervous to see his reaction. Like I don't know what to expect from him. Will he like us together? Will he hate the fact that we like each other? Will he not approve of us? Will he kick you out of the house? Will he kick me out of the house? Will he-"

I shut her up with a kiss. "Don't overthink it babygirl." I soothed her.
She smiled up at me and told me that she just didn't want to lose me.

"Listen, if your brother doesn't like us together so what? He will just have to deal with the fact that we are in love with each other. Over time he will see and learn that we really care for one another. I truly don't think that any man is right for you other than me and I don't think that any girl is right for me except you. If we have to live like Romeo and Juliet so we will. I will do anything to have you in my life for as long as possible, trust me."

After my somewhat deep and touching speech, she pulled me into a kiss and then hugged me.

"I want you in my life for as long as possible too." She whispered.

I pull away from the hug and lifted her chin up to kiss her passionately. That passionate kiss turned a little heated as she put her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her. The kiss turned deeper...

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