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      Seven cats stood on the edge of PineClan territory, the sky above a blue-grey as the sun continued to rise. Steel gorse stood just a mouse-length ahead of the felines, marking the end of their land and the beginning of a world that hasn't been explored in seasons- the last time any cat had gone to Red Barn was when Needlepelt had just become a warrior, and he and another senior warrior travelled in search of new territory. They returned with only the knowledge that the further they travelled from PineClan, the more bearwalkers could be found.

  "Go straight." Needlepelt instructed with a near rasp in his voice, "In a day or two, you'll find Monster Path- it's a dirt tail carrying the worst stench you will ever come across- worse than beetlefood. You'll need to follow it."

  "Follow it which way?" Duskpaw asked as he shifted the weight on his paws nervously. Frostcloud pricked her ears at the sight, and wondered if her own worry ever showed through as much as his did now.

  "To the left of the setting sun." Needlepelt said with the slightest of nods. "Monster Path will lead you directly to Red Barn."

  "Don't forget," Whitestar began with a serious tone, "there are dangerous animals out there. Always be wary. Remember that dogs love a chase."

  "And there are monsters on the road. They hunt, they take lives away, but never eat their kill." Needlepelt added gravely. "They stay on Monster Path, but always express caution in case they slip off."

  "We will." Buckheart promised.

  Whitestar, satisfied, flicked his ears and got to his feet. At his que, Frostcloud and the others did as well. "We'll see you upon your return." He said with a dip of his head.


  "Wait here." Frostcloud said sternly, slowly becoming more and more agitated as Kittypet spooked away yet another mouse. The sun was getting close to setting and Frostcloud's belly was beginning to knot in hunger. This was her second day of travel, and neither she or any cat had eaten since dawn.

  Kittypet shrank down upon Frostcloud's harsh demeanor, uncertainty and fear in her blue eyes. With a deep breath, Frostcloud sat down harshly. She understands I'm upset, she thought, I just need to find a way to communicate 'stay'.

  Holding up one paw to Kittypet and taking several steps backward Frostcloud tried, "Stay! Wait!" Even knowing the she-cat couldn't hear, maybe she could read lips. Kittypet, still nervously pulled into herself, took a hesitant step towards Frostcloud. "No! Wait!" Frostcloud said, trying not to yell loud enough to alert all the prey in the forest.

  There was a rustle in the brush nearby and Frostcloud shot her head around, the fur on her shoulders rising and her ears erect. She stared at the shadowy leaves with hard eyes, knowing full well how much the clawless kittypet would fair in a fight.

  Duskpaw poked his head out, his ears posed shyly and a mouse in his jaws. Upon meeting Frostcloud's eyes, he set his catch down and said, "Buckheart found shelter."

  Irritated, Frostcloud flicked her tail. She and the other cats had made the agreement not to stay out after dark, which would be coming soon. With a glance at Duskpaw's single mouse Frostcloud asked, "Did he catch anything?"

  "I- I didn't think to ask."

  Abruptly, Frostcloud stalked past Duskpaw, "Where is he then?" She asked.

  Duskpaw galloped ahead, leading the way to a thick bramble patch. "In here." He said, ducking between the tangles. Frostcloud followed, somewhat grateful it was such a small space inside. In just a short time, the den would be warm and will protect the cats from the cold night.

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