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      Frostcloud sat upright, forcing her eyes to remain open. She, per tradition, sat vigil and guarded her camp while her Clanmates slept. The sun hadn't yet creeped over the horizon, but already the clear sky was lighting up and some of the stars were beginning to fade from view.

  Which star's Longnose? Frostcloud wondered. And which one Mothstar? The moon, again, was growing into its full shape, and soon, another Gathering would be held. Finally, PineClan could boast about their elder den being filled. Frostcloud squinted her eyes, feeling pride well in her chest.

  Whitestar crawled out of his den, stretching on the mound it rested on, and sat down. He yawned, then licked his lips as he sat in the morning air. He blinked a few times, staring at nothing in particular, till he turned his head enough to lock eyes with the new warrior.

  He blinked slowly at her, then motioned his chin towards the warriors den, signaling that Frostcloud may rest.

  After dipping her head in silent thanks to her leader, Frostcloud padded towards her new den. She crawled inside, and was partially surprised that the roots from the tree filled the dirt walls of the den. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. What would it be like sleeping in a den without Mosspaw?

  Frostcloud mapped her new denmates sleeping spots. Buckheart and Leafear slept in the back of the den, against the wall. While Riverpelt slept near Cricketlegs and Crowfur on the left wall of the den.

  Frostcloud twitched her ears in amusement as she watched her old mentor, who laid sleeping on his back with his legs spilling out above him. His lips and paws twitched while he dreamed.

  Eventually, Frostcloud's eyes settled on an empty nest just to her right. She flopped inside, and when the scent of Needlepelt engulfed her, she realized it was his old nest. Later, she would collect her own, but first wanted a bream for her heavy eyes.


  It was Cricketlegs who woke Frostcloud up some time later, flicking her muzzle with his paw, "Don't oversleep on your first day as a warrior." He said firmly, "Has your pad healed?"

  Frostcloud leaned up and yawned, "Yes."

  "Good." He nodded, "There's a hunting patrol leaving at sun-high, and you'll go to check steel gorse afterword."

  His stern gaze softened. "I've loved being your mentor, Frostcloud. And I'm thrilled to be your denmate. I'm proud of you."

  Frostcloud had to keep herself from erupting into a purr. I'm a warrior now. I should act like one. She told herself as she lifted her chin and stuck out her chest from where she sat. "Thank you, Cricketlegs. For everything."

  Pride made Cricketlegs' eyes glitter as he held his former apprentices gaze, she could see under his stern expression. He gave a brief nod, then retreated from the den.

  Outside, Frostcloud could hear Dustkit and his denmates tussling over what was likely a small ball of moss.

  She washed herself before leaving the den. It wasn't sun-high, but already the air around her felt dry and hot. She looked into the sky- not a cloud in sight, so the sun blared down with all its glory.

  Spotting Mosspaw in the shade of the apprentice den eating a mouse, Frostcloud bounded over. She hadn't had the opportunity to have a proper talk with her friend since receiving her warrior name, and Frostcloud was nervous Mosspaw would be upset she got it first.

  "Hello." Frostcloud greeted quietly.

  Mosspaw looked up from her mouse, her ears perked. "Hello, Frostcloud." She purred loudly, "I love your new name."

  Frostcloud sighed in relief and sat next to her friend. "I always thought I'd be named Frostfur."

  Mosspaw shrugged. "That's pretty. Buckheart thought you'd be named Frostwhisker, because you're such a good hunter. And I thought, maybe Frostpond? But Whitestar definitely made the right decision."

  Frostcloud turned to her leader, who was eating with Dawnheart and Needlepelt now. "I wonder why he chose my name."

  "Who knows." Mosspaw mewed, "I wonder what mine will be."

  "How's your paw?" Buckheart asked, approaching the two she-cats from behind and startling both.

  "Big like a deer, but quiet like a mouse!" Mosspaw said, "Don't sneak up on us like that!"

  Buckheart twitched his whiskers and dipped his head apologetically, "I didn't mean to."

  "It's healed." Frostcloud said, "I'll be leaving in patrols at sun-high."

  "Maybe we could all hunt tomorrow." Mosspaw mewed happily, "It's been some time since we've all been out."

  "That sounds wonderful." Buckheart agreed.

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