Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding: Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up instantly feeling ready to vomit. Percy's speech was well deserved and direly needed, but it couldn't instantly make me better. This was still my ex getting married, it was still a reminder that someone I'd loved was gone and also that I was -for the foreseeable future- very much single.

I got up though and feigned joviality, despite how low the numbers on my clock were. Fake it till you make it you know? Most of the time it did actually work and I was sure my act would be even more convincing once I had some coffee in me. I started a pot and went to straighten my hair. It was pointless as it wouldn't last two hours but I had to do something with it.

I went to my closet to pull out the clothes I had for the wedding, a navy blazer with dress pants. I was an attendant but at the same time I was still doing business. Percy has been insisting on taking the brunt of the work but I need something or I don't know how I'll last.

I pulled the hangers out and laid everything down on my bed. Before everything had happened I had these out to show Piper when she asked what I was wearing. "Why don't you just show up in a pantsuit. Honestly Beth I don't doubt that you won't look good but come on! This is your ex's wedding! Just like that dinner you have to do better than that. Percy!"

"Yes?" He'd answered poking his head in the door.

"Tell this girl she needs to show up looking like an absolute goddess."

"That's unprofes-" I started, but she'd clapped her hand over my mouth.

"She won't care when she's drooling over you." I shot her a nasty look. "At least tell me you've got nicer shoes." I reached in the bottom of my closet and pulled out some black flats. "No, no, no. You don't have some good heels?"

"But those make your feet hurt." Percy pointed out, I grinned at him and shot me a look that said "I got you."

"Maybe." Piper said. "You can't be wearing this though."

She ended up setting out a light gold dress. This was one I was admittedly okay with. It had been a while but it used to be my go to wedding dress. As I pulled out my blazer I saw it hanging right behind it. I ran my fingers over the material at the bottom and bit my lip. I could swear I heard Piper cheering as I took it out. Even more so when I pulled out the heels she'd lent me, though I did stash a pair of flats in my bag knowing I'd probably bail soon.

I pour coffee into two go mugs and gather up all the books and everything in a bag. It was still crazy early, I always liked leaving time for error, but Percy should've been up by now. I fill a cup with a bit of water and walk over to his room.

"Perce." I say marching into his room, knowing it was pointless because that much would never wake him up. His bed is made, perfectly tidy and I have to stop and stare at it in complete envy. I knew with absolute certainty that you could bounce a nickel off it. It made me feel bad about my bed, sheets currently in a tangle at the bottom of the bed.

I set the glass of water on his dresser and walk back into the living room, I could hear my heels clicking, which was the only thing I liked about them. I started to panic, not this morning. Any other day but this morning.

I pulled out my phone and checked to see if I had any messages from him. Nothing, no calls at all. It's not like he was kidnapped, his bed was made just as he does. That's the perfect cover up though, that what they want you to think, a voice in the back of my head thought.

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