Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding: Chapter Three

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"You said what?" Percy yelled though a mouthful of lettuce. I took another bite of my Caesar salad and swallowed.

"I told her I had a girlfriend."

"And? She just believed you?"

"She had proof."

"She- what?" He stares at me from his spot on my desk, then his eyes darken. "Annabeth Minerva Chase what did you do?"

"Hades," I set my fork down. "You call me by my full name a lot."

"What did you do bitch?"

"You know Piper? I told Reyna she was my girlfriend and Piper had forgotten something so she came back and she agreed to pretend..."

"That's not the end of the story is it?"

"We're meeting Reyna and Jason for dinner tomorrow."

"Ughhhhhh!" He falls dramatically to the floor. He gets up again and plunks down in the chair across from desk. "What're you doing to yourself girl?"

"You can't just tell your engaged ex that you aren't seeing anybody!"

"You can when you have to see her everyday!"

"You don't understand."

"I'm just watching you tear your life down honey. Jeez Annabeth what happens when she keeps wanting to see you again, what happens when she asks about Piper, what happens when her wedding comes and she wants you to invite Piper, what happens if you guys become couple friends, what happens if Piper meets someone else, what happens if you meet someone else? When is it supposed to end? You might end up lucky, but you've dug yourself a hole that you might not be able to escape from."

"I know!" I yell. He looks a bit taken aback. I feel tears prick my eyes again. Gods, today's not my day. "I know that I've made things hard for myself and I'm going to lie my ass off but it's not just about being pathetic. We dated for three years, this is hard and I can take hard, but I can't take you yelling at me that I can't do it. That," I feel the hot tears streaming down my face. "-is where it's too hard."

I'm standing up, shouting the words down at him. I can't hold the anger for that long and I feel my face crumpling. Percy's face softens and he wraps me up in his arms while I cry.

Soon enough I pull back to sit back down and finish my salad.

"Annabeth?" I look up at him. "Do you think that was it?"

"Percy..." I held his stare, then I looked down. "I don't know... I really don't know."

And I don't know if I have much to tell you from the there. It was some regular stuff. Nothing of interest.

"Annabeth!" Percy jumped behind me, pushing my shoulders forward and scaring me.

"Yes, Percy?" I didn't pull my eyes away from my computer.

"It's Friday!"

"Yes, that's a day of the week, congratulations on learning it."

"And do you know what Friday means?" he continues on as if he hadn't heard me.

"Friday means we leave work a half hour early!"

Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding / / Pipabeth NOMINATED FOR PJO_WATTY AWARD GO VOTEWhere stories live. Discover now