thirty three

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thirty three

INTENSIVE REHAB. That's what Sehun would need in order to get better. Medication and therapy wouldn't be enough to fix him of his illness. As expected, that wouldn't make Sehun very happy. Although Sehun had still been sleeping, everyone knew that sending him back to rehab would make him angrier than ever.

"Don't be surprised if he sleeps most of the day. It's gonna take him a while to recover and regain energy," the doctor explained as he looked over Sehun's resting body. Junmyeon wasn't really listening to what the doctor had to say—he knew what it would all result in at the end. Another long period of time without Sehun. Another several months where Junmyeon would have to leave Sehun all alone, hurting and going through hell by himself. More reason for Junmyeon to feel guilty.

The doctor exited the room, leaving Junmyeon, Yeseul, and a tiresome Sehun by themselves again.

"He's not gonna be happy," Yeseul said as she sat on the bed next to Sehun. She softly stroked his hair, staring at him longingly. Junmyeon could tell that he wasn't the only one in the room who had been feeling guilty.

"He didn't deserve any of this." Yeseul lay down completely, resting her hand on Sehun's forearm. "I should have known better. I should have known."

"No one could have helped him," Junmyeon said after a long silence. He stood from his chair, looking over Sehun's body one last time. "I'm going to get some air. I'll be back." Yeseul nodded, Junmyeon then making his way out of the room.

As he walked through the hospital halls, the anger inside him only grew more and more furious. Once he reached the exit doors, he already had his hands in fists. After he found Jongin leaning against the concrete wall of the hospital, he walked faster, reaching the man quicker.

At the sight of Junmyeon, Jongin stood away from the building. He could tell that Junmyeon knew the truth. Junmyeon didn't look like the angelic, polite, approachable guy he had always been.

"You're a fucking dick," Junmyeon nearly shouted. Jongin immediately knew what this was about. "You're going to rot in hell."

Jongin rolled his eyes as he sighed. "He just wants attention. He's lying to you."

Junmyeon shook his head. "I know Sehun. He was not lying. He doesn't lie. Not to me."

There was a long pause. Jongin walked past Junmyeon, behind where he had been standing. He looked out at the landscape, which consisted of an overcast sky and tall pine trees.

"You have ten seconds to tell me the truth," Junmyeon demanded. Jongin turned around. His eyes were shut and had his arms crossed. Junmyeon clenched his jaw out of anger.

"Fine. He was fucked up before it happened. He always has been, because he's crazy. His parents left him dry and his brother fucked him over. Then Yixing got himself killed, and then, you left him. And he relapsed. Because he's insane."

Junmyeon didn't hesitate to swing at Jongin's face with that statement. His knuckles collided with Jongin's eye, causing the boy to let out a sharp cry as he stumbled backwards. Junmyeon took advantage of Jongin's weakness by kicking him in the stomach. Jongin fell onto the cement, grunting in pain.

I could kill him. Right now, I could kill him.

Junmyeon continued to punch Jongin in his weakest spots—face, neck, stomach. With each hit, the younger would let out a quiet groan. The more Junmyeon would swing at Jongin, more blood covered the bruises on his hands. Jongin tried to fight back, swinging his arms and kicking his legs, but Junmyeon just grew stronger.

Jongin seemed to have given up fighting back, for his arms lay weak by his sides and his screams had subsided. Jongin continued to groan in pain, however.

Several minutes passed, and it took none other than Yeseul to stop Junmyeon from hurting Jongin any further. His face was barely identifiable. His eyes were swollen now, lips cut beyond repair, nose bleeding out profusely.

"Junmyeon, stop. You're gonna kill him," Yeseul yelled as she grabbed Junmyeon by his arms, pulling him away from Jongin's body.

"I don't care, I want him dead, I hate him. God, I hate him." Junmyeon swiped his arms out of Yeseul's grasp. He breathed heavily, beads of sweat forming all over his body. He walked away as Yeseul helped Jongin stand. He coughed as they made their way into the hospital.

Jongin grunted as he passed Junmyeon. He spit out a wad of blood that had seeped from inside his mouth. "You're gonna regret that."

[ ✓ ] 𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 , seho .Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang