twenty five

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twenty five


I've been feeling a bit down lately. You haven't written me back, and it's been a while. It's selfish, but I just need to know that you're doing okay. That's all I'm asking.

I know you aren't happy with what I've done. But, you've had about a year to move on. I know these letters aren't going to help you forget me. But, Sehun, just show me somehow that you're doing well. Please.

I don't care if you're mad, just write me. I miss you.

Things have gotten better on my end. I have a job, and it's one I really enjoy. I help kids who are living with abusive parents or are in unfit/dangerous foster homes. The people there are some of the nicest I've ever met. Some remind me of you. That's why I really love it there.

Hopefully, this is the road leading me back to you. Once I can make enough money and the death of my father blows over, we can meet again. I don't know if you'd want that. I feel like you're upset with me. I hope you're not. I want to be able to hold you and kiss you again. I want to hold your hands. I want to see your perfection with my own eyes again.

Please write me back. I love you. Still. I always will.



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