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Sehun knew this was a mistake. After Eunmi and Dongchul decided that it was best if Sehun didn't go to see Sehyeon, he had become more angry at the fact that it had been ages since he saw his brother. Along with that came the more desperation to see Sehyeon.

"Sehun. Why are we here?" Yeseul asked as Sehun stared at the plain building before them. A feeling of nervousness began to grow inside his chest as he realized his own brother had been living inside such a place. He was right there.

Yeseul grabbed Sehun's wrist, grabbing his attention once again. The younger look towards her. She had a certain look upon her face, a look he had seen before. The same look she gave him the night the two were first separated. The look that made Sehun feel more vulnerable than Yeseul herself.

"Just drive away, Hun. You don't need to see him," Yeseul assured. Sehun shook his head as he let his hands fall from the steering wheel then into his lap.

"I do, though."

Yeseul let out a sigh as she shook her head. "What brought this on, Sehun? You never even spoke of him after he got thrown in jail. Why are you so concerned all of a sudden?"

Sehun didn't respond. The words coming out of Yeseul's mouth were just nonsense to him. It didn't matter how Sehun originally handled the situation—he just wanted to see his brother.

"You don't have to see him. But I do," Sehun exited the car and slammed the door behind him. He grew more and more weary as he got closer to the building. As he continued to walk, time seemed to pass slower and slower. He just wanted to be in there already, talking face-to-face with Sehyeon.

That didn't happen.


He went to the roof the next day. There were no clouds to be seen, and no sun had been shining. The air was still as well. Something about that day was just empty, which was exactly how Sehun had felt.

He waited and waited for Junmyeon to show. Ever since Sehyeon rejected seeing Sehun, time seemed to slow down immensely.

Junmyeon quietly opened the door, noticing that Sehun had been sitting directly on the roof's concrete, his back leaning against the ledge. He could tell something had been bothering Sehun. He quickly dropped his backpack and sat down next to Sehun.

"What's up?" Junmyeon asked, settling in next to Sehun. "You seem down."

"I am down. I tried to see my brother yesterday, even after my parents said no. I should have listened to them. He didn't want to see me—I wasn't on his visitor's list or whatever," Sehun explained quickly. It took a minute for Junmyeon to process what Sehun was saying, but once it sunk in, the younger began to ramble once again.

"I feel so stupid. Like he'd actually want to see his younger brother, especially after all the trouble he had to get me out of. Like he even cares anymore."

Junmyeon didn't know what to say, so he didn't speak at all. Instead, he rested a hand on Sehun's knee. The younger glanced at his hand. It just rested there, even with the bruises it contained, along with a few cuts.

Sehun then placed his hand above Junmyeon's—his pale, soft, hand.

They looked at each other.

[ ✓ ] 𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 , seho .Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz