twenty seven

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twenty seven


It's been over two years. How time flies. I still haven't heard from you. I've found myself worrying far too much, wondering what you're doing and how you've been. You're probably just mad at me—I know for sure I'm mad at myself.

I'm able to afford a cheap apartment now. Other than working at the foster care center, I've taken on easy jobs. I guess I've kept myself busy by working all this time. But I still think about you a lot.

I'm thinking of seeing you soon. I've had over 365 days to get back on my feet. I've been missing you like crazy, hyung. Imagining you isn't enough for me. But then again, I don't want to distract you. You're probably in university now, since you just turned nineteen.

Happy late birthday, by the way. I'm sorry I haven't been able to spend a birthday with you. Did you know our birthdays are almost within a week of one another? I think that's interesting. Fate.

Maybe I'll get to visit in the summertime. That way, I'll have even more money to get on a train and see you, and you'll be done with your school year. I'm assuming you're not in foster care anymore, since you're an adult now and can live on your own probably. We'd be able to enjoy ourselves if we met again.

On another note, has there been news about my dad? There has to have been some investigation. I know Yixing was killed not long before my father, so maybe they think it's the same person. I hope there's nothing having to do with me. There probably is though, with my bad luck. But then again, it's been two years, and I haven't been chased down by any cops.

That's the only thing I'm afraid of being reminded of when I see you. That and all the pain I went through. Hopefully, we can move past that. I'd actually like for you to come see where I've been staying. It's nice here. I moved far from where Yunseok was, not only to a more friendly neighborhood, but closer to you. At least closer to Eunmi and Dongchul.

I should finish this letter off. Sorry for rambling to you. Sehun, please write me a letter. I don't care if it's five sentences long. Just let me know how you're doing and when I can see you. Please. For me.



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