twenty four

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twenty four
three months later

THE SKY COMPLETELY CONTRASTED WHAT Sehun had been feeling that day. It was sunny and clear, yet the temperatures were far too low for him to be comfortable. As bitter as it was outside, the sunset above him that mixed into different warm hues made the atmosphere more comfortable.

However, Sehun had been feeling not only pressed, but conflicted. He had no clue how to solve the problem of being in his umpteenth school, especially during his final year in school, and the fact that he had no friends whatsoever. The idea of screwing up another good home had seemed to take over Sehun's mind. He didn't know who to talk to. The only person he could trust was gone. But that didn't stop him.

"I don't know what to do, Yixing." Sehun sighed as he softly ran his fingers through the snow he kneeled upon. Although he was trying to get through to Yixing, he never looked at the stone standing before him that really proved he was dead. Sehun couldn't let that pile onto the problems he had already been facing.

"I keep fucking up. There's just no happy ending for me. Whenever I feel this way, you would be able to solve it all," Sehun explained in a mumbled tone. "I think you would tell me that I should just let time pass and let things resolve themselves. But, I'm not sure, because you're not here anymore."

A long moment of silence passed as Sehun tried to process his thoughts. A pleasant feeling overcame him when the powerful sunlight appeared from behind a cloud, brightening the atmosphere and taking the cold off his pale skin.

"Chanyeol and Jongin haven't changed. I know you'd be upset to hear that." Sehun tightly held his own hands to stop himself from playing with the snow before him any more.

"And Junmyeon is off doing who knows what. First losing you, then him—I just don't think I can control myself this time. I'm sorry, Yixing." Sehun controlled the tears forming in his eyes from falling. Saying their names—Yixing, Junmyeon—made it all sink in. The fact that they both were gone. The fact that Sehun was officially alone. The fact that there was always something going wrong in his life.

He stood up, successfully holding back tears. He walked down the long, grassy field that eventually reached the sidewalk that stretched along the main road. He shoved his hands in his pockets, using one to grab his phone. He called Jongin.

It took four rings for him to answer.


"Yeah. Are you busy right now?" Sehun's voice was shaky as he thought about actually spending time with Jongin and his other acquaintances. He knew exactly what they were like—definitely not Sehun's type. Until now.

"I guess not. What's up?" Jongin asked.

Sehun paused before processing exactly what he needed. "I just need you to help me out. Can you come get me? Please?"

Jongin could sense the irritation in Sehun's voice. "Yeah. I'll be there soon."


Just like being put in his new foster home, Sehun hadn't seen a night like this in what felt like forever. It pretty much was forever—at least three years. He hated himself for doing this again. For getting completely wrecked.

This was the first time Jongin had seen Sehun in such a state. After he had downed at least six beers and gone through two blunts, there was no question that he had fallen down this hole again.

"Sehun, you need to get home. By help, I didn't think you meant get absolutely shitfaced," Jongin explained as he kneeled next to Sehun who had been resting on the couch. The older gently pulled the blunt from Sehun's weak fingers, taking a drag on it before letting it burn out in the ashtray on the coffee table next to him.

Sehun groaned as Jongin shoved him in the shoulder. "No," he mumbled, making himself even more comfortable on the leather sofa. Jongin sighed before standing up and collecting the empty beer bottles surrounding him. But Sehun stopped him by grabbing his arm, pulling him back.

"Jongin..." Sehun trailed on. He turned around, kneeling down once again.

"What is it?"

Sehun paused, staring at Jongin's slightly-annoyed face. He didn't seem as annoyed when the younger pulled Jongin's face close to his, both boys taking in a sharp breath. As shocking as the action was, Jongin didn't move. Sehun parted his lips as Jongin's face moved closer to his, their skin now in energizing contact. Sehun placed a hand on Jongin's cheek, his skin smooth beneath his fingers.

"Are you gonna forget this?" Jongin asked with a smirk. Sehun nodded, then kissed Jongin's lips. They were full and warm, and along with that, there was comfort. Sehun didn't feel out of place being this close with someone he had barely knew. That was the alcohol's doing, of course, for he knew much better. Not just kissing Jongin, but the drugs and the beer. He hadn't had a drop of alcohol in forever. He hadn't taken a hit off anything in years.

Jongin let his body rest completely on top of Sehun's. Their lips moved together in a synchronized rhythm, Jongin running his hands through Sehun's darker hair all the while.

"Where's Chanyeol?" Sehun asked with a bland tone after detaching his lips from Jongin's.

"He's out. Don't worry about him," Jongin replied. He pressed his lips against Sehun's again, except now, moved his hands from the boy's face down to his hips. The two continued to kiss as the chemicals sunk into Sehun's mind even deeper, and Jongin's indiscretion grew even more.

Sehun detached his lips from Jongin's lips, moving his mouth down the older's neck.

"I've always wondered why you're so quiet around me, hyung," Jongin laughed. "You like me, don't you?"

Sehun kissed Jongin one last time on the lips. "I don't like anyone anymore."

[ ✓ ] 𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 , seho .Where stories live. Discover now