Chapter Five: He Shall be King Once More

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Merlin's pov

It's coronation time. Our plan is all set into place.

Arthur finishes the last of the preparations including getting us dressed and Morgana and I leave. Arthur will be holding a crowns off to the side while Geoffrey crowns us.

I walk in with Morgana on my arm. We walk up to the front and do the wedding first. I feel disgusted saying, "I do" to her.

Time for the coronation comes and the crowns are called for. It's time.

Arthur brings up and the crowns with Excalibur on his side. How Morgana does notice that I have no clue but then again Camelot makes people oblivious or something like.

Geoffrey crowns me first and then picks up Morgana's crown. That's when Arthur unsheaths his sword and immediately throws it to me since as soon as Morgana sees she blasts Arthur back.

I knew she would do that. That's her fall back move everytime.

She looks at me with the sword, "Well, are you going to kill him now?"

"No Morgana. I'm not going to kill him." I say as I plunge the sword into her side.

"How, how could you do this to me? We were supposed to rule together." Morgana croaks out.

I sit down with her in my lap, "I'm sorry, Morgana. I blame myself for what you have become but I cannot condone this to go on any longer."

Her breath stills and I know she gone. I let loose a tear but stop from doing more than that because I know this was the swordsman's choice and I was the swordsman. I chose this. I chose Arthur.

Arthur. Where is he? I look around and see him still lying on the floor. I run over to him. He can't be dead. Morgana never throws hard enough to kill.

I reach him and kneel while checking his pulse. It's beating and strong so he just got knocked unconscious. Thank god. I pull him to me and hug him even though he's not conscious enough to know. I'm so sorry that I did this to him. I wish I could take this all back but I can't like I can't take back killing Morgana and he can't take back trying to kill me.

But I love this prat and I know some down deep he loves me, too. I can see that now.

I turn to the people who were here for the coronation, "Good people of Camelot. I am sorry for I have betrayed you. Something I vowed to never do. Now though, I hope to make it right for I have killed Morgana and Arthur shall take his throne again. I will await judgment from King Arthur. I know there's no excuse for what I've done but I ask forgiveness."

I take Arthur to his room and surprisingly no one tries to get me away from him or drag me to the dungeons. When I get him in there, I set him on his bed and pull his desk chair up to sit by it.

It's about two hours before he finally wakes up. I immediately hand his some water and he drinks it wordlessly. Then we sit there in awkward silence for I don't even know how long since neither of us know what to say.

I finally say, "I love you, Arthur. I'm fine with whatever you decide to do with me. If you decide to kill me, use Excalibur. It's the only blade that can kill me."

"You idiot. I'm not going to kill you. You are not a bad person. You've saved me over and over again. Killed Morgana to give me my kingdom back. I mean yeah, you should have never sided with her in the first place but that was kind of my fault. I pushed you towards her and in the end, you chose the right side. You'll receive a full pardon and you, too."

I throw my arms around him and gently connect our lips. He kisses back harder than I kissed him so I start to kiss deeper.

When we finally break apart, he says, "We have to go pardon you, you know. Then we can do this. We need to finish the business first though before the fun."

"Okay but we're doing this as soon as possible, right?"

"Right." and with that we leave with smiles on both of our faces. I think we're well on our way to happily ever after.

The end unless you guys want an epilogue which I'm completely willing to write. I would like to thank you all for reading. Love you all 💙💙💙

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