Chapter 1: Emrys

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I'm awake. Not exactly sure where I am though. I can't see anything. Not yet. I'm still too weak.

I don't even remembered what happened. It just hurts is all I know. It hurts right where my heart would be. Wait would be?

I start to remember what happened. I was stabbed. In the heart. By my best friend.

Well I just what use to be my best friend. I guess I really don't have anyone now. I mean I can't go by to Camelot. No, not again will I go back to that place. That was clearly not my home or I wouldn't be here laying in the middle of who knows where in this much pain just because I had magic.

I can't go to Ealdor. If word got out that I survived by some odd miracle, then Ealdor would be the first place they looked. I can't put my dear old mother into that kind of danger again.

I going to miss her and Giuas and Lancelot. They were the ones who really knew me. The ones who really understood my troubles. I wonder how they'll take the news. No doubt Arthur will have at least a black eye from at least Lancelot, maybe even Giuas.

I don't know why I'm still alive either. I should be dead. He stabbed me right through the heart.

I start to feel other parts of my body. I can wiggle my fingers and toes. I can hear the bird chirping away. I can't smell the smell of when it's just stop raining. I feel the wetness of my clothes.

I start to open my eyes and all I see is brightness. Brightness of the sun, light, and day. Brightness that I haven't seen in so long. I wonder how long I was gone for. It must have been weeks at least.

I look to my side and see food? That's strange. Why would there be food setting next to me? I'm supposedly dead.

I slowly sit up and grab the bowl. I see it. Druid markings are all over the bowl. They must know what's going on. They must know how I'm still alive.

I eat the soup slowly (not being able to lift my hands fast at all). I set the bowl down beside me when I hear rustling from the bushes. I see a young boy about the age we saved Mordred at. Oh yeah, Mordred, the druid boy Arthur saved not knowing anything about him and later made him a knight that Mordred. I can't believe Arthur. He helped him escape but ran me through.

The boy has been staring me for awhile before he finally comes and sits by me. He looks at me and says, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? You're not the one who tried to kill me." I reply.

He shakes his head and speaks again, "I'm sorry destiny failed you and you were ran through by your best friend. It shouldn't have happened that way. Magic should be legal again by now."

"It's okay really. I mean I'm confused to how I'm still alive but hey, at least I am still alive." I say with a smile back to him.

"Emrys. Do you know what that means? That word we call you." I shake my head no and he continues, "It means immortal and you are one of the hardest people to kill along with high priestesses. There's only four ways you can die. They are a blade forged in dragon's breath, poison, choking, and of course decapitation."

I sit there processing this new information and what I can do with it. I smile and nod a thank you.

We sit in silence for a long time before he finally says, "We should head to camp. It's getting late and you're going to be tired for the next few days. Here let me help you up."

He holds out his hand for me to take and I do. We head back to his camp and I get more food and some sleep but the sleep is taunted with nightmares of Arthur killing me. Everytime I look him in the eyes and smile a reassuring smile saying it's okay. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him because I do more than anything. I miss our banter and pulling him out of bed. I miss watching him get into trouble and making a fool of himself. I really do. That's when I lose it. I let a tear run down my face and by that time it's too late and more are coming. Finally I fall asleep again into more relentless slumber.

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