Chapter 3: Capture of the Killer

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Merlin's pov

We're ready. Forty knights versus the two of us. It'll be easy. All we have to do is a quick knock out spell and they're not a problem anymore.

Morgana talks to me, "Merlin. I'll let you handle Arthur. If I do, I might kill him and I feel like you have something better in mind than that."

"Okay, Morgana. You need to put Giuas in a cell where I won't see him. He's probably the only one who can talk me out of this."

"Good. We've got our plan. Ready?"


We set out and I start to feel guilty. I don't know why because Arthur is the one who killed me not the other way around. He's the killer.

We get to Camelot and two knights are stationed at the gates. They are sirs Evermont and Elliot. Good knights. They're always friendly to me. I knock them out and Morgana transports them to the cells. Only 38 more to go and Arthur.

We going around the castle picking off the knights few by few until there's only the round table ones left. That means 5 knights and Arthur left. These ones will go in Camelot's dungeons.

We figure out that they called an emergency council meeting and go into the council room. The whole room fills with gasps. Arthur looks as if he's going to faint. He says, "You're alive?"

"No. This is clearly a figment of your imagination, Dollophead."

"But.....but I killed you." He starts to tear up.

"Don't act like that. You've brought this upon yourself. You tried to kill me but you didn't factor in that I'm Emrys. You can't kill me with a normal blade. The only blade one can kill me with is in a stone protected by my magic." I hear more gasps.

"Merlin. What's gotten into you?"

"Arthur. You stabbed me in the heart. You tried to kill me. Of course I'm going to want revenge but still it's not for myself. It's for my kin. I've watched so many of them die by your hands. Most innocents. I'm not going to let it keep going." I yawn and knock everyone except Arthur out. I make it to where he can't move while Morgana starts transporting the others to the dungeons and I continue, "I've waited to long on you. All the promises that people said you'd do. The destiny that we had together. It was gone the moment you plunged your sword into my heart. In the morning, Morgana will be queen and she's asked me to be her king. I've accepted."

"Merlin, this isn't you."

"You mean this isn't me before you killed me. You killed the old me."

His face drops and I can tell he's going to cry. He asks the question I've been waiting for, "What about my men?"

"I've told Morgana that no one dies. Everyone is in dungeons." He smiles? How dare he smile? "What?" I ask.

"There's more of the old Merlin than you think in there."

Morgana pipes up, "Merlin. Maybe we should move him to the cells now?"

"No. He's the soon to be ex-king. He deserves better." I smirk.

I lead the way to some chambers with an antechamber for a servant. We enter the antechamber and I turn to Arthur, "Aww. Your news chambers. Hope you like them."

"Merlin. These are servant chambers."

"Yes. To mine and Morgana's actually." I smirk.

Morgana laughs. She says, "Good job Merlin. I wouldn't have even thought of this. Arthur a servant? Hilarious."

Arthur turns bright red, "How do you know that I won't try to kill you in the middle of the night?"

"Because of the spell I'm about to put on you. If you do anything to step out of line, let's just say you'll be dropping to the ground in pain and if possible begging for it to stop." I smile.

"Merlin. I think I love you a lot more now than before." Morgana says as she kisses me and I kiss back. I hear Arthur gag but dismiss it. Morgana doesn't though. She says, "Oh, sorry, dear brother. Is this too gross for you."

She smirks and then forces Arthur into one of the chairs at the table. He tries to move but it's unless. He asks, "What are....are you do....doing?"

We do stuff and then we relax on the bed next to each other and I put the necessary spell of Arthur and he gets up and goes to his antechamber. I put spells on the locks so he can't get out and made it where the windows don't open.

I do think Morgana took it a little too far.

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