"It's inside the red lid container."

I made my way over the fridge, pulling out microwavable container and sticking it inside to heat up for a few minutes. My mother had finished slicing up one of the loafs of bread, deciding to leave the other for later. It was when I pulled out a seat on the container and smelt the fresh bread, I decided I didn't want the rice anymore and would rather have a sandwich. 

A sigh left me when I realized I couldn't just let this rice go to waste, just because I suddenly didn't want it anymore. But then that's when a brilliant idea passed my mind and I hurriedly hopped up from my seat, wondering over to where the plastic bags were kept. I grabbed a plastic fork and placed it along with the rice full of container inside the bag.

I'd give to Roman .

With a satisfied smile playing on my lips, I didn't hesitate to start on the sandwich I was craving and that happily, knowing no food would go to waste and Roman would have something to eat.

It was a win, win situation.


Grabbing a hold of the plastic bag, the nerves instantly rose up inside of me. My feet led me over the back of the stables, not spotting Roman at the front anywhere. My free hand reached out, pushing the door open and revealing the dark lit room, only spotting Bell, who looked a little lonely.

I frowned, slowly stepping back and facing the front, realizing that Michael from the usual six line of horses, was missing. 

As if he sensed my thoughts, the front door to the stables burst open and in came Roman, Michael closely trailing behind him. My heart drummed fast as I watched him lead Michael in, who began neighing the very second his eyes landed on Jane.

Someone was excited to see their pregnant partner.

Amused by my mental comment, I stifled a giggle and smiled to myself. Roman still hadn't noticed me, busy guiding Michael over to his space. I watched silently, biting down on my bottom lip as I appreciated the way the dark grey sweater hugged Roman's muscular body, showing just how toned and muscular his arms and chest were. A shiver went down me when I remembered how they felt beneath my fingertips.

I shook off my thoughts that had become tainted in just seconds and focused them back on Roman . He was petting Michael, laughing at how he was still neighing after Jane.

"Here, boy." He pulled out a carrot from the bucket near him and placed it to Michael's eager mouth. I couldn't help but smile, hearing the raspy chuckle which fell from his lips, warming my heart.

As if he noticed my gaze, which was strongly set on him, he slowly glanced over in my direction, eyes landing on me and pausing. Naturally, my heart jumped and I felt that same wave of heat attack my cheeks.

"Quanto tempo sei qui?" He finally asked, his tone soft and low.

How long have you been here?

I shrugged, smiling lightly at him. "A minute or so... Not long."

Licking his lips, he motioned me to come over to where he was standing. My legs were trembling with nerves and excitement as I slowly led myself over to him. Although his eyes were stuck firmly on Michael, whom he fed, I could see him glancing at me from the corner of his eyes. 

"There, boy." He grinned, moving his hand away so Michael could get the last of the carrot himself. I watched as Michael eagerly bit into the last of the carrot, enjoyment clear to see from the way he chomped down on it.

"Where did you take him?" I questioned, dragging my gaze away from the all-black horse and back onto Roman. I was surprised to see his eyes already on me, watchful, strong and as always, gleaming brightly. It was hard not to blush. 

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