Chapter 7 - The New Rules

Start from the beginning

"Alright, but let's put a twist on it today" he said "How about instead of you just trying to get away, you try to pin me as well" he suggested making me smile, this would certainly make it more interesting. Five minutes later we were in a furious battle, at first I kept wanting to run away but I soon got use to the new rules and we were throwing powerful punches and kicks at each other constantly. I had to admit fighting back took a lot more energy and thought than just escaping, but I was holding my own against him. I blocked his kick and ducked, sweeping under him with my own leg. He jumped before my leg made contact then backed away assessing me as I stood ready to attack.

"You're doing well Lexy" he praised and I wiped the sweat from my head. Before I could answer, he attacked again trying to grab me around the waist. I raised my hands and hit him on his shoulders, before raising my knee hitting him in the stomach successfully. He once again backed away clutching his winded stomach. This time I advanced on him throwing punches at his face, which he easily blocked then returned the attack, his hand made contact with my shoulder causing pain to shoot up it. He wasn't holding back with his attacks, I had never gotten hurt before. Noticing that I was distracted dad grabbed my arms and pinned me to the wall.

"I win" he chuckled, releasing me before inspecting my shoulder.

"That was a bit violent dad" I accused still shocked. Normally he wouldn't have used much force, I guess he was stepping up the game.

"Sorry Lex" he apologised taking me into the kitchen to get some ice for the swelling.

"Guess there's no more going easy on me" I giggled. I always knew that dad was holding back when we would fight. I guess now I was older, he didn't need to any more.

"Well I figured we would go on for days if I didn't" he admitted still taking care of my shoulder. For the rest of the day we just relaxed on the sofa enjoying each other's company.

Monday came too soon and I was back to walking down the student filled corridors. My shoulder still hurt when I moved it too fast. Nothing eventful happened all day everyone was talking about the party and gossiping. During my free period Max came up to me and apologised,

"I guess I was a bit drunk" he said, I would have just ignored him if I wasn't so shocked at his black eye. He must have gotten into a fight at the party.

"Max, how did you get the black eye?" I questioned,

"Oh, Carlos punched me after you left. Although my jaw hurts more than the eye, you've got a good right hook" he explained.

Carlos punched his cousin because he kissed me? That was quite sweet of him. At Lunch the first thing I did was give him a hug thanking him quietly for what he did.

"Don't I get a hug?" Darren cried, only shutting up when I turned around and hugged him. Today his shirt said 'I intend to live forever. So far so good'.

"You know you're a big baby sometimes" I said giggling,

"Did you hear about Victoria's car?" was the first thing Jess said as she sat beside me at the table,

"No. What happened" I replied.

"Well apparently when she left the party it was covered in shaving foam and eggs" she giggled,

"Guess we're not the only ones that hate her" I said slightly annoyed that I didn't think to do that.

I walked into Chemistry with a mission, I had thought about it all weekend and had decided that, although I didn't ask for it, I should still thank Nick for helping me Friday night. So when I reached the desk I took a deep breath and said two words I never thought I would say to him. "Thank you" then sat down on my seat, ignoring him for the rest of the lesson.

When I got home dad was sat in the kitchen, reading through some paperwork.

"What are you doing?" I asked grabbing a bag of crisps from the cupboard and a glass of water,

"Oh, same old same old, been doing paperwork all day" he explained looking bored,

"Well let's do something" I suggested sitting in the seat next to him.

"Alright, what do you want to do?" he asked putting away his work,

"Let's do some more sparring. With the new rules. I enjoyed yesterday" I said jumping up from my seat and taking a fighting stance, he laughed at me and matched my stance.

"You just don't know when to quit" he taunted before he pounced at me throwing kicks and punches left, right and centre. When did he get so good? I struggled to block all the hits and backed away out of his reach. Taking a deep breath I attacked back, throwing punches to his stomach but the few that got past his defence didn't make much of an impact.

"Try visualising that you're hitting someone else. Not me, someone you hate. Use your anger to power your blows" he coached, once we had broken away from each other again.

Someone I hate? Victoria? No she's just really annoying. Jackass? That could work. Launching back into the fight I once again began throwing blows at him imagining that it was Jackass standing in front of me. With that stupid smirk on his face looking down at me, like I was a little child playing dress up. I felt one of my punches make contact with dads stomach and he groaned.

"That's more like it" he chuckled clutching his stomach before moving away. The fight became more dangerous neither one of us were holding back. One false move could have the other seriously hurt. There was a sense of desperation about it, making me work faster and hit harder than ever before. Half an hour later we had broken apart again, both gasping for breath. Dad looked tired but I was sure he could carry on for another half hour if he had too.

But I couldn't, holding my hand up I gasped. "Alright, I can't go on any more" dad stood up straight and laughed as I collapsed in a seat, "That took a lot out of me" I said drinking my water from earlier. We spent the rest of the night relaxing on the sofa, as usual, watching television.


Sorry it was short.

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