Michigan Bound

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Logan: 2 more hours till Michigan guys.


Logan: Guys? *looks back*

*Logan sees everyone is asleep besides for Jake who is just staring out the window*

Logan: Little brother Jake?

Jake: Huh?

Logan: *sighs* I didn't want to do this but... *walks away from steering wheel*

Jake: Logan! What are you doing?! We are going to crash!

Logan: Hahah! Got you!

Jake: What?

Logan: Roman basically made this into a Tesla, so it self drives.

Jake: Woah that's cool.

Logan: Jake...

Jake: What?

Logan: Listen...Me, Tony, and Chance made this decision...

Jake: What decision?

Logan: You are going to stay in the car when we go and get Erika.

Jake: What?! No! She is my girlfriend! I can't let you do that!

Logan: Hang on. *grabs Tessa's phone*

Jake: Why do we need Tessa's phone?

Logan: Just look. *shows phone*

Jake: Who is that?

Logan: The person who took Erika. And she told Tessa that this person wants to kill you.

Jake: But he could kill you, or Tony, or Chance!

Logan: Jake...This is for Erika. You love her and she loves you. She doesn't want you getting hurt.

Jake: She doesn't want you guys getting hurt either!

Logan: Better us than you.

Jake: No...I'm not losing you too! You will be all I have.

Logan: I'll be fine, but my main purpose as an older brother is to keep you safe. And that is exactly what I'm going to do!

Jake: Logan please! Please let me go in!

Logan: *sighs* Fine. But you stay behind me the entire time. Understand?

Jake: Yea I understand.

Hi everyone! Sorry this is sorta short. My phone is almost dead. I will make a longer chapter later today. Remember...




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