Her story

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Keep in mind this took place when she gets kidnapped. Now I will start the story.

Erika's POV
I told Tessa that I needed some fresh air. I walked outside and just looked into the outskirts of the football field. I reached into my backpack and took out a picture. It was one of me and Jake. I still love him and that's the hard part of everything.

Erika: *sighs* I wish this never happened. I want to be with him.

???: That will probably never happen again.

Erika: *screams*

The person was wearing a black ski mask and they had a knife. In the distance I could hear something. It was a guy. He said, "Jake! Wait up!"

???: Let's go pretty girl.

The person grabbed me and shoved me into a trunk of a car. I saw someone running towards me. It was Jake. I could hear him screaming!


I instantly started screaming his name. I couldn't lose him.

???: Shut up will you?!

Jake tripped and he laid there screaming my name. He broke his wrist. I saw it. I can't believe this happened to him. This is all my fault. Before the high school faded from view, I saw everyone running to help Jake. Than the high school was not visible.

Erika: What do your want from me?!

???: Oh Erika. Don't you remember me? *takes off mask*

Erika: Blake...

Blake: So you do remember me?

Erika: How could I not? You raped me when I was 16. That's why we moved.

Blake: Well who says I'm not going to do it again.

Erika: Sooner or later Jake and the police will come. Jake will beat the crap out of you.

Blake: Oh yeah? Will Mr. Jake Paul save the day. He won't if I have this. *pulls out gun*

Erika: Oh my god...Don't hurt him!

Blake: It's too easy.

I had an idea. I turned on my find your friends app. That way they could track me easily. I just hope this works.....

OMG! Thanks so much for 3k reads! That's amazing! I can't believe this book is actually that much reads. Remember...




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