Love expert

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Jake: You rik!

Erika: Yeah Jake? *rubs arm*

Jake: Erika...your arm. It's bruised.

Erika: It's fine. Must have happened during the fight.

Jake: Look, I'm-

Erika: No don't apologize. You don't need to.

Jake: Erika...*bell rings*

Erika: I have to get to class, I'll talk to you later. Ok?

Jake: Yeah. Ok.

Jake: *sighs* I messed up. Big time.

Logan: Jake?

Jake: Logan?

Logan: I came to give you your book for History. You left it at home. Is everything ok?

Jake: Yeah...just fine. *looks at Erika laughing with Tessa*

Logan: Jake...

Jake: I-I should go.

Logan: No.

Jake: What?

Logan: I'm your older brother. I didn't fly back here to see you upset. Your obviously worried or sad about something. *looks at hand* Why are your knuckles bleeding?

Jake: What? They aren't bleeding. *hides behind back*

Logan: *grabs hand* You got in a fight? Didn't you?

Jake: Listen...Yes i did. But it was for Erika.

Logan: I see what's going on.

Jake: What?

Logan: *looks around* Follow me.

Jake: Umm. Ok?

*5 minutes later*

Jake: The old willow tree?

Logan: Just come on.

Jake: *sighs* Ok.

Logan: Welcome to Castle LP.

Jake: Woah! You built this?

Logan: Wasn't all me. Evan helped.

Jake: No teachers caught you guys?

Logan: We snuck out late at night.

Jake: Well..why did you bring me here?

Logan: may not know it, but your in love.

Jake: phhh. What? No I'm not.

Logan: 1st phase. Denial. Your denying it.

Jake: That doesn't mean anything.

Logan: Phase 2. Saying it's meaningless.

Jake: So. I might just like Erika. Not love her.

Logan: Phase 3. You risked something for the girl.

Jake: ...

Logan: You almost got suspended, and that would not go good on your record.

Jake: Fine. Maybe I love her. But I lost her. So it doesn't matter.

Logan: *smirks* Who said that? *looks out window*

Jake: Why is Erika just standing outside?

Logan: Do you see what she is looking at?

Jake: No...

Logan: Look closer. *hands binoculars*

Jake: You really did think of everything. *looks in binoculars* Is that?

Logan: A picture of the first day you two met.

Jake: But.

Logan: She still cares about you. And you obviously care about her.

Jake: But what do I do?

Logan: Homecoming is coming up. And boy do I have a plan.

OMG IM SO SORRY! I fell horrible for not updating in like 2 weeks. I'm really sorry. Thanks for all the support I get on this book. And I forgot if I mentioned this but I have 2k reads. That's insane. Thanks everyone. Remember...




Jerika//We found loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora