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*In class*
Teacher: Please take your seats.

Chance: Yeah sure thing!

Teacher: Oh, I've seen you have returned Mr. Sutton.

Tony: He sure did!

Teacher: Ah Mr. Trujillo. I missed you least of all.

Erika: *laughs*

Teacher: Excuse me? I don't believe I know you. What is your name?

Erika: Oh. Ummm.

Jake: This is Erika. She just enrolled.

Teacher: Mr. Paul! It's good to see you again. Do you plan on playing football again?

Jake: Yes sir.

Teacher: Well that's good. After all, you are our star player.

Jake: Thanks, but I'm really not.

Teacher: It was nice meeting you Erika. And I expect you two Ohio boys to keep it down.

Chance: Piece of cake!

Teacher: Whatever you say, Sutton.

Alissa: Are you going to say what your name is?

Teacher: Ms. Violet...your back.

Alissa: And better than ever.

Teacher: My name is Mr. Truman, but call me Mr.T. Now we are going to stray off the year with a project. Sadly, Mrs. Stacey assigned the partners.

Jake: This ought to be good.

Erika: *giggles*

Jake: *smiles* what are you laughing at Costell?

Erika: *smiles* I'm laughing at you Paul.

Mr T: Costell, Paul...shh!

Jake: Our bad.

Mr T: As I was saying, partners are....Chance and Anthony

Chanthony: YES!

Mr T: Bri and Sarah. Jake and Erika...

Jake: Well that's good!

Erika: We get to work together!

Mr T: Alissa and Tessa...

Jake: Tessa? I don't know any Tessa.

Tony: That's Tessa. *points*

Chance: Woah...

Alissa: Looks like Chance has a crush.

Chance: Oh shut up, Alissa.

Tessa: Hi! I'm Tessa. You must be Alissa.

Alissa: Yes I am!

Tessa: Wait...omg.

Alissa: What?

Tessa: Your Jake Paul! And you Chance Sutton, and Anthony Trujillo!

Chance: You know us?

Tessa: Everyone in LA knows you guys.

Jake: LA?!

Tessa: Yeah! Your were all the talk at my old school.

Erika: You went to school in LA?

Tessa: Yeah! Than I moved for a dance scholarship to this school.

Chance: You must be really good!

Tessa: *smiles* I guess I am.

Chance: So...are you dating anyone?

Erika: Wow Chance.

Chance: What? She's hot.

Tessa: *laughs* Thanks, and no, I'm not dating anyone.

Jake: You seem cool Tessa. Want to sit with us at lunch?

Tessa: Sure. Just promise me one thing. Do not let Bri sit near me.

Erika: Bri? Who is Bri?

Alissa: Jake? Why don't you tell her.

Jake: Bri is basically my stalker. The past 2 years she has been trying to hook up with me, but I always tell her to go away. What did she do to you Tessa?

Tessa: know how the girls cheer on the sidelines during football games.

Jake: Yeah! But it's mainly the girlfriends of the football players.

Tessa: could say that I did have a boyfriend. He came with me from LA. He tried out for football and made the team.

Jake: What's his name?

Tessa: Faze Banks...



Jake: They are big video game geeks.

Tessa: I can tell, but Bri made him go out with Sarah and now they are dating.

Chance: Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.

Tessa: It's fine. Anyway I met 3 more nice and cute boys.


Tessa: *laughs*

Alissa: See you at lunch Tessa!

Tessa: Bye guys!

Ohio: Bye!

Erika: Bye!

*They all head to their next class*

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