The Truth

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Logan: I think it's time that we let Erika and Jake talk.

Pam: Wha- Ohhhh.

Everyone but Jerika: *walks inside*

Logan: Go to my window. You can see and hear everything.

Chance: Logan Paul is now a spy ladies and gentlemen.

Tessa: *playful punch*

Chance: Seriously you've got to stop punching me.


Erika: Why did Logan say that?

Jake: Erika, want to hear a story?

Erika: Sure.

Jake: One day in Ohio, long ago, a little boy was born. He was pretty ordinary. Nothing too special. The first thing he saw was his brother. As the two boys grew up, they played together all the time. When the older brother turned 18, he decided to move away. The younger brother was really upset. His brother was the only thing that kept him going. Of course this boy had 3 very funny and nice friends, but with his older brother, he was nothing. 2 years passed and the you get brother was starting senior year. On his way in he bumped into the principal. The boy looked next to the principal and saw a gorgeous girl. The principal asked him to show the girl to her classes. Soon after the boy met her he started to have feelings for her. As time went on the boy and the girl became very close. The boy decided to tell her about his brother. She comforted him as he cried on her shoulder. The next day, the boy overheard the girl talking in the hall. They said-

Erika: Hold up. This sounds a lot like-

Chance: *from the window* Just shut up and let him finish the story.

Tessa: *playful punches*

Chance: Owwww.

Jerika: *smiles*

Jake: As I was saying, the girl said to her 2 friends that she had a crush on the boy. The boy leaped with excitement. He couldn't believe the girl he liked actually liked him back. A week later, the boy's birthday happened. The boy's 2 best friends asked him a question. They asked him, "Will you ever ask her out" The boy turned around. The boy said " I will probably ask her out later tonight" The boy asked her in his backyard.

Erika: Wait...

Jake: Erika Costell *grabs hand* Will you go out with me?

Tony: *from window* YES!

Logan: *covers his mouth* shush. This is a good moment.

Erika: Yes Jake. I would love to go out with you. *kisses*

Jake: *kisses back*

*from the window*

Alissa: The girl said yes.

Tessa: They both were so happy.

Chance: They even decided to kiss each other.

Tony: The end to a great night of celebration ended with 2 lovers.

Pam: But that's not the end of the story.

Logan: For they have so much to look forward too. This is only the beginning of Jerika.

Everyone: The End.

Jake: Like they said, it's not the end of the story. It's only the beginning.

Erika: Jake Joseph Paul, it really is just the beginning.

HI! Before anyone asks this is not the end of the book. I just wanted to have a heartwarming ending to the chapter. On another note, sorry for not updating. School is being a butt. Remember...




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