Luhan nervously steps out from behind Sehun's back, tightly holding his backpack strap, he looks down at the floor and shuffles his feet around "Can I?"

Minseok link arms with Luhan and gives him a soft smile "These are some fun guys to hang around with, and guessing from your uniform you're from the school that is right across from this one right?"

Luhan hums "Yes." He smiles back at Minseok and then at Kyungsoo and Baekhyun.'

"Let's gooo!" Baekhyun begins to walk, dragging the three others after him "Chanyeol contact Junmyeon or Yixing- no wait Junmyeon is in Vietnam and Yixing is busy with studies... What date is it today?"

"It's the 19th today Baek." Chanyeol says from there he is walking behind along with Jongin, Jongdae, and Sehun.

Kyungsoo stops up, he turns to look at his boyfriend "Nini did you ask your mother?"

"About what?" Jongin says confused, Kyungsoo sighs in disappointment. 

"Nevermind." Kyungsoo walks back over to Baekhyun and links arms with him again leaving an even more confused Jongin behind. Jongin looks at the three others with him, but they can only shrug in response as they watch their boyfriends (except Sehun, he still single) laugh about something.

"Chanyeol," Sehun pokes the older "How did you confess to Baekhyun?"

Chanyeol glances at the youngest.

"My, my!" Jongdae laughs "Now let me tell you how Park Chanyeol confessed," Jongdae wraps an arm around Sehun, making the younger bend down in an uncomfortable position to walk in, he laughs again "So, I was visiting Baekhyun obviously and I stormed into his bedroom and oh lord that scene I saw! Wish I could earse that out of my mind!" Jongdae is talking so loud, trying to catch Baekhyun's attention.

The other was ingoring him and continues to chat with Minseok, Kyungsoo, and Luhan.

"So the only thing I see is a shirtless Chanyeol-" 

Chanayeol shuts Jongdae up by stuffing a piece of bread in his mouth "That's enough Jongdae." The tips of Chanyeol's ears are tinted red.


"I never knew shopping for baby clothes could be so tiring." Baekhyun stretches as he and Chanyeol exit the bus, both carrying for bags each. Baekhyun looks up at Chanyeol "You want to join me tomorrow when I'm going to my father to visit before Christmas break?"

Chanyeol makes eye contact with Baekhyun and smiles "Of course. Do you have any plans for Christmas Baek?"

Baekhyun sighs, a white mist comes out of his mouth and he watches as it disappears "No, my dad will be busy with my baby brother along with helping Aerum, Minjin is staying over at her grandparents." Suddenly white snowflakes falls down from the sky, Baekhyun grabs one with his tongue and feels in dissolve on it "My brother is, I don't know what he is doing and my mom needs to work." A sad smile forms on his lips "Guess I'm alone this year again."

Yes, Baekhyun would often spend holidays alone after his parents got divorced. His dad was always busy with work along with his mother. Aerum would always take Minjin to her parents, Baekhyun was still not comfortable with Aerum's family, especially after his step-uncle was a major homophobic person. Baekhyun would always turn down the offers he got form Aerum about meeting them.

Chanyeol feels bad for the smaller, he grabs Baekhyun's hand and brings it up to his lip to kiss his knuckles "Don't worry, you won't be alone this year." Baekhyun stops walking and hugs Chanyeol, burying his face in Chanyeols chest.

"Thank you." Baekhyun can't control it, the tears just starts to flow down his cheeks. They're a mix of both tears of sadness and happiness, the sadness comes from all the times he spent alone trying to hold them in, the happiness he is feeling comes from Chanyeol. 

Whenever he is around Chanyeol he couldn't help but feel happy and all giddy inside. Chanyeol made his heart speed up, made his cheeks hurt from all the smiling, his stomach hurt from all the laughing. Hell the abs he has are definitely form all the laughing.

Baekhyun feels soft fingers grab his chin and make him look up at the face of the person he loves the most, he stares into Chanyeol's soft brown eyes. He loved every inch of Chanyeol, there was no lie when he said he was head over heels.

Chanyeol smiles as he wipes away Baekhyun's tears "Don't cry puppy." Chanyeol's deep, soothing voice sent chills down Baekhyun's spine, Chanyeol bends down slightly and kisses Baekhyun's forehead.

"Puppy?" Baekhyun sniffs, still holding Chanyeol.

Chanyeol hums "Yes, you're cute as one! And you sometimes act like one." Chanyeol boops the tip of Baekhyun's nose "You're nose has a cute pink color too it."

Feeling shy Baekhyun hides his face back in Chanyeol's jacket "It's cold." 

"Let's, go then, I can follow you home since my walk home is past yours." Chanyeol grabs a hold Baekhyun's left hand, he looks down on it "Oh! It's the unique mole that I love." Chanyeol points at the mole on his thumb.

"Stop it!" Baekhyun's hides his face in his free hand.

Chanyeol laughs at him and together they walk in the direction of Baekhyun's apartment building.

In mere minutes they reach the big building, Baekhyun grabs the bags out from Chanyeol's hands, he tiptoes and places his lips on top of Chanyeol's for a quick peck.

Chanyeol smiles again, making Baekhyun's heart flutter again "Night my cute puppy."

"Good night my idiot Yoda." Baekhyun's face was red form both the cold and embarrassment, he unlocks the door and hurries inside, grabbing his chest to try and calm his raging heart.

He speeds up the stairs until he gets to the right floor, he slows down but walks fats to his flat.  The keys jingle when he takes them out from his pocket and unlocks it.

"Mom I'm home-" Baekhyun drops the bags and his eyes the size of pots.

There in the kitchen frame stands someone he thought he would never see again. Her brown hair tied in a loose side ponytail, a bow on top of her head and light make up on her face. She was wearing a uniform slight outfit and she smiled as she saw Baekhyun.

Baekhyun gulps "Baekhee?"



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