Movies pt.2

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Derek's pov

I have to admit I was happy that Stiles protected my home. "So what movie are we gonna watch?" Stiles was looking at me and Scott. "You should check if you're boyfriend is okay." I said looking at him this time it wasn't a joke, if Issac is upset then that's bad it could be the end of whatever they have... Oh wait that's not a bad thing for me but for him maybe it was. I wasn't ready to see him sad. "He'll be fine, he's not my boyfriend anyway." Stiles looked and smelled of confidence. This was something new for me. I had always seen him be so awkward and unsure of himself. Yet here he was standing with his chin held high and a slightly proud look on his face.

"Okay then, you can pick the movie the movies are under the tv." I said looking at Stiles with a straight face he smiled a little and mumbled a Thanks. I didn't have a crap ton of movies, I only had the ones that I'd brought back from New York. He walked back within seconds and said.
"We're watching Batman." With a bright smile on his face. "Batman it is." We we're about to put the movie one when I heard knocking on the door. I went to open the door and Issac stood in front of me, "Hello." I said looking down at him
"Hi I'm here for Stiles Stilinski." He said looking a little nervous.

"Yeah hold on let me go get him." I said looking back at an impatient Stiles. If I didn't know how badly he wanted to watch this movie before then I do now. I can only assume that it's his favorite. "Stiles, Someone is here to see you." I said with a little wink and I shaped my hands into a heart. He rolled his eyes but ran to the door anyway. I turned my hearing up.
"Issac what are you doing here?" Stiles asked sounding a little bit annoyed. "I could ask you the same thing ." Issac sounded irritated and sad. "I'm here because I'm watching Batman." Stiles said still sounding annoyed.

"Stiles I'm taking you home." Issac was being rude. If Stiles wanted to stay then he could stay. I mean he's definitely old enough to make his own choices. He didn't need Isaac to tell him what to do.
"No." Stiles was making a big deal out of going home with Issac. I mean if that was his boyfriend I didn't see why it would be a big deal. "Come inside and meet Scott, you'll like him." Stiles said sounding a bit more excited, "No." Was all Issac said before I heard him run off. Stiles shut the door and rounded the corner. He looked irritated but shrugged bish shoulders like he didn't care.

"Well I tried and it didn't work." He said looking at his hands. "There's nothing else to try now buddy, he's going home." Scott gave Stiles a smile and stiles smiled back. God stiles was perfect when he smiled. I was confident that with a smile like his no one would be able to say no to him. "Okay so I put the movie in and it should be playing." Stiles said looking at the tv. Unfortunately, Batman wasn't what popped up on the screen. What did pop up on the screen tho was me working out shirtless.

"Oh, well that's not Batman." Stiles said his cheeks getting a little pink. He coughed a little. I could hear his heart beat going really fast. I can only assume that the coughs were to calm him down.
"Oh my god stiles are you sure you chose Batman?" I asked and he nodded. "Fuck, I must have mixed them up." I said running to turn off the tv. "Oh wow that-." Scott caught himself before saying anything else. Stiles was just staring over at the screen with his mouth open. "Sorry that was an accident, I didn't think I had that recording." I said looking down then back up.

"No it's totally fine, we should get going though because it's late and I'm tired and I have to drive back." Scott said looking a little happy, I didn't know what to do at this point, "I can always just drop you off if you don't wanna drive." I said looking at Scott. I looked over at Stiles who's mouth was still open. He hasn't taken his eyes off the screen. "Close you're mouth buddy." Scott laughed a little, Stiles tried to close his mouth but as soon as it shut it opened again. "I'll go home you can stay with him." Scott laughed harder but stiles got up and left.

"Or not, bye." Scott waved and left.
I walked out of my house and followed Issac's scent since it was still in the air.
I followed it but it lead me all the way to a cemetery. I looked around and found out that he works here. I heard something so I looked over and I see another werewolf.
He growled at me and it scared Issac. He started to look around like a mad man who had just seen a ghost. The wolf ran and jumped over the car Issac was In, knocking it over in the process. I waited a while and walked over to the car. I lifted it up and moved it.

"Need a hand?" I asked Issac he nodded.
I explained the wolf thing to him and asked if he wanted the bite. He agreed as long as he doesn't hurt anyone. I told him that can't be a promise and he understands. So I bit him. What's the worst that can happen? Oh.. he could be Stiles' mate. I seriously hate myself, I went home with him after. I laid him on the couch and laid down in my bedroom.
My last thought was getting Stiles might be harder than I thought. Especially with Isaac being a werewolf now.

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