Different From All the Rest Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"No! I want you! I love you, Draco! Please! I can give you so much more than y/n can!" he shouts, nearly spitting on me.

"Harry... You're not listening to me...," Draco sighs, shaking his head slightly.

"It's her! She ruined our relationship! It was perfect! That stupid hetero bitch turned you against me, souring relationship!" Harry yells, his face becoming red with anger. "All we need you to do is turn you right!"

Harry then lunges forward, ripping Draco away from me and pinning him against a nearby wall.

"Please, Harry! It's over! Let me go eat dinner with my girlfriend!" Draco grumbles, glaring at Harry. Harry shakes his head as Draco squirms under his grasp.

"You shouldn't even have a girlfriend, Draco. You should have a boyfriend and that boyfriend should be me!" Harry says, triumphantly smashing his lips into Draco's. After a moment, Harry slowly parts his lips from Draco's, revealing a look of horror on Draco's face. Harry smirks.

"Tell me. Did you feel nothing?" Harry grins, expecting Draco to come running back into his arms, crying about being wrong.

"Nothing," Draco replies coolly. "Not a tingle or a spark. I like girls, Harry. I'm with y/n and you can't change that. I've liked y/n for years now and I've known that I was different from all the other boys for even longer. I've finally found who I really am. Our relationship was good, yes, but it wasn't meant to be!" Draco tries to reason.

"You broke my heart, Draco!" Harry cries. "You left me for a woman! A woman! Do you know how humiliating that is?!"

"Hey! Don't drag y/n into this!" Draco says, breaking away from Harry and rushing over to me. He slips his hand down to the small of my back and holds me close. "Have a nice day, Harry. Please. Go find someone else and be happy."

Leading me by the waist, Draco and I walk into the Great Hall, only to be greeted by Cormac McLaggen.

"Hey, you disgusting heteros! How's being unnatural animals today?" he spits. "You're both gonna go to hell. My mother always said that people like you are bound to go there. 'Anyone harbouring any sort of lust of the opposite sex will burn in hell!' That's what she always said to me and she was right! You will both burn in hell for your sins! Did your parents not teach you what's right and what's wrong?!"

"Get away from us, McLaggen!" I shout. "You and your mom's opinions don't matter to us!"

"You may think that since heterosexual marriage is becoming legal that you're safe, but you're mistaken! You will be punished for liking each other! It's wrong and dirty!" he shouts, relishing his words. "You two should be shipped off and put in an asylum or Azkaban. That's where you belong!"

I feel the tears coming and I feel sick to my stomach like the acidity of its contents had just quadrupled. I feel like I'm going to throw up. Cormac hops down and takes a solid swing at my face. He hits me square in the mouth and I topple over, hitting the floor hard. I hit my head with a large thud on the stone floor. I raise my hand up to my head. Something's wet. I smell blood and my head begins to spin. My vision goes blurry as I head Draco and Cormac begin to fight.

"How dare you hit her!" I hear Draco scream. Footsteps echo in my head and I feel a heavy blow as McLaggen kicks me mercilessly in the stomach. Thump. My consciousness fades in and out.

"Draco..." I whisper. Thump. I feel my stomach ache and knot. Thump. Thump. Thump. I take blow after blow, listening to people shout all around me.

"God hates heteros!"

"Filthy BREEDERS!"

"You don't belong here!"

"Kill yourself, freaks!"

It can't be like this I'm stronger than this. Y/l/ns are no quitters! My head still whirling around, I force myself up against Cormac Mclaggen's kicks and punches. I burn myself to my feet and hurl my body at him. I send him hurtling to the ground and I look down at him.

"How dare you touch me! I might catch the hetero!" he spits.

"Don't you dare come near me or Draco with those words again," I say, taking Draco's hand proudly. "Yes. I'm heterosexual and I'm not ashamed of it. You may call it unnatural or an abomination, but I don't give a damn about what you call it. I call it love and that's all I need to be satisfied. Let's go, Draco. We need to get to the hospital wing."

Draco and I turn out of the Great Hall away from the crowd of angry Hogwartians. Draco pulls me in tighter by the waist and I sigh.

"You were very brave, Draco. It was very admirable," I sigh, wiping the blood off my cut lip.

"Thank you, y/n. You were wonderful as always," Draco replies with a smile. "McLaggen sure did a number on me. I may have some bruises by the end of the day."

"Me, too, Draco. Thanks for standing by us for all this time. Now I know that you'll never turn your back on us. I know I won't. I don't care what the others say."

"I'll stick by you through anything, love. Never doubt that," he says back.

"Never, Draco."


A/n:  This chapter was 1,430 words long!  I'll be making a pt. 3 for Different From All the Rest!  It'll come out in the next few days!  Thanks so much for 20k reads, everyone!  You all are amazing!  Thanks for reading!  

Hugs and thanks,

- Soiea 🏳️‍🌈 

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