"It's time to wake up, Sleeping Beauty."

Tammy frowned and rubbed her eyes. "I'm serious."

"Six thirty."

"Then I'm going back to bed," she huffed, turning over and flopping back into a sleeping position.

Alana obediently turned out the light, but not before whispering one last sentence into the dark: "You know, the surf looks pretty good today..."

Tammy didn't move a muscle. She did, however, murmur a curious reply: "Mm...how good?"

"Four foot, glassy, clean conditions." Alana grinned, knowing Tammy definitely wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon now that the thought of surfing was fixed in her mind.

"I'll be there in half an hour," she mumbled into her pillow.

"Great. See you in the water." Alana quietly closed her sister's door before heading downstairs. She knew she had done the right thing by waking Tammy. The latter was just as passionate about surfing as Alana. Even though she could be a nuisance at times, the one place the sisters got along one hundred percent of the time was in the water.

With the image of crashing waves in her mind's eye, Alana gobbled a granola bar and guzzled a glass of orange juice before walking into the storage room. Flipping on the light switch, she let her eyes roam over a haphazard collection of skateboards and multiple surfing posters nailed to the wooden walls before her gaze landed on their quiver of surfboards.

Alana walked over to the far corner of the room and trailed her hand along the smooth rails of each board. Most were decked out in color, while a few remained stark white. She smiled when she spotted her favorite 5'8" shortboard squeezed between two longboards. It had neon pink highlights down the rails to match the three fins on the bottom. Alana carefully pulled it out and tucked it securely under her arm, making sure to wrap the leash around the tail so it wouldn't get snagged.

On her way out the door, her gaze lingered a little longer on the faded longboard sitting in the corner. It was decades old and dinged in multiple places, but to Alana it was the most treasured one out of the whole quiver. It had been her dad's surfboard back in the '60s before he passed it to her older brother, Dylan. On a rare occasion, Dylan would let Alana and Tammy use the magic board, but those times were few and far between. Ever since the accident, Dylan had stopped competing. He was on his way to becoming a pro when he was only sixteen, but dropped all his contests two years later when the tragedy struck. He hadn't just dropped from competing, though—he had dropped from surfing in general.

The accident had occurred five years ago. Alana had been twelve at the time, and Tammy had only been six. But they hadn't taken it as hard as Dylan. It was like a knife to his heart, crushing all his dreams of making the World Tour. Alana had asked him a few times what it was like to be a pro, but he was reluctant to reminisce.

Yet the accident hadn't stopped Alana and Tammy from surfing. The love of the ocean was in their blood. They were soul surfers at heart, along with Alana's group of best friends from junior high—Maya, Koa, Jake, and the Anderson twins, Blaine and Cole. Since none of Tammy's friends were passionate about surfing, Alana occasionally let her tag along with the gang.

After flipping off the light, Alana strode out of the storage room and headed to the front door. She didn't bother leaving a note for Dylan, who was still sleeping upstairs. He knew if Alana wasn't in the house, she was out surfing—especially during dawn patrol. It was an unspoken agreement between the siblings.

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