Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown

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A/N: There are possible spoilers for the book, Heartless by Marissa Meyer. The possible spoilers will be minor however.

As I stand and start to walk, my red and black gown billowing around me, they stand and bow. They are my loyal soldiers, the soldiers that revere and fear me at the same time. Like on many days, I adjourn to the garden and each day I wonder how I had gotten here.

How a girl with a dream to open a simple bakery and only to be known for her wonderful treats and exceptional baking to a girl with a dream of revenge to those who had wronged her and is now known for the fear that she strikes into hearts of the kingdom of Hearts? 

I never know each day. She was a victim of circumstance. I am not. The people are always around the king, never me. Even if I choose to approach them (which I do not), they are rigid and always accepting of whatever I say, or they fear they will become like Peter Peter.

The rumors have prospered about me ever since that day. They say that the queen has gone mad and that the king is blind or that he is afraid of me. The rumors spread and the people always repeat, always.

They say that I was once an innocent and wonderful little girl, even Cheshire says so. Before, I was Catherine Pinkerton, a girl who loved baking and only wanted to open a bakery, who had no thirst for power.

Now, I am the Queen of Hearts with everything I could ever have, but I am never happy.

Only a minor sacrifice at the cost of something great.

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