Anna could do nothing but stare up at him, both her heart and stomach clenching. They're chest were practically touching, a new ache targeting her breast, further beckoning her to push herself closer to him; to feel some relief she was in much need of.

His hazel orbs peered down at her, making her feel so small. She wanted him to move away from her, but she also wanted him to oddly seal his lips with hers. Her body was bottling up with a new feeling and it was awakening a new side of her that was foreign, and so strong.

"J-Roman," She managed to get out weakly, trying her very best to ignore the fact his body was so close and she could clearly feel the warmth of his breath bouncing across her lips.

"Rispondimi," He growled out, gently squeezing her wrist his hand was wrapped around.

Answer me.

A small whimper escaped her lips as her eyes fluttered closed for a second. She glanced up at him, noting that his eyes were firmly glued to her face, constantly darting down to her lips. A brighter than usual gleam overpowered his eyes and Anna wasn't blind to it. Her brows furrowed and she wondered what had earned its arrival, though she had her own thoughts as to where it had came from. 


"Anna," Roman lowly called, leaning his head down and closer to her. She closed her eyes tightly, not willing to let him see the fear, the excitement which was shining in her eyes. She had joined Roman's state of self conflict, not knowing whether she wanted to feel more of him or less.

"I... What are you doing?" She choked out, her breaths uneven and fast. His piercing gaze was strong and never once faltered. His hand, which was pressed against the wall shielding Anna in, slowly trailed over to her face and grasped her chin, angling her face upwards.

"Where were you running off to, huh?" He repeated his question from seconds ago, clenching his jaw at the sight of how innocent Anna looked staring up at him. But he wasn't blind to the clear desire which gazed back at him. Her blue orbs was filled with lust and he knew she felt exactly what he did.

"Y-You... We shouldn't..." Her words came out as a scrambled mess.

"Why?" He roughly muttered. "Why shouldn't we? Fuck, what shouldn't we, Anna?"

She was silent, having trouble breathing from the intense way he was watching her.

"Answer me, God damn." He growled. "Tell me what we shouldn't be doing!"

"This!" She cried out, her voice cracking. "You shouldn't be this close to me... Touching me... Speaking to me... Heck, even looking at me!"

Roman's brows furrowed as he took in her rushed words, seeing the frustration passing through her eyes. He felt exactly how she did. He was frustrated that he couldn't do as he wished with Anna, knowing how this God damn town would look at them as if they had committed a sin.

"This is wrong, Roman." She broke out, dragging her gaze away from him and focusing it on the ground. "We'll get into so much trouble if someone is to ever find out."

Roman's chest tightened and he wanted to wipe away the misery which had suddenly painted onto her face. His jaw clenched tighter as the anger inside of him grew. God how he hated this town and their bullshit traditions. It was the only thing keeping them apart from one another.

"Is that the only thing you're afraid of, Anna? If someone finds out?" He asked, needing to know the answers, because it would let him know if this, whatever it was, was still worth fighting for.

Taken aback by his sudden questions, Anna tensed, slowly furrowing her brows. "W-Why are you asking me this?"

"Answer the question, Anna." He sighed, absently rubbing his thumb in circular motions against her chin. "Is that all you're afraid of, baby? Or is it something else? Tell me."

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