The third wheel

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Damian whistled a tune to himself as he read over his book of spells, after reading over one he grabbed his wand and waved it in the air, shortly after a bouquet of flowers blossomed from the end and then disappeared after another swish of his wand. He smiled

"Far too easy..."

He turned the page in his book, reading quickly over it before preforming another easy spell. The cycle went like this for almost half an hour before the sound of laughing coming from the main dinning room came to his ears.

Placing his book down on his desk and slipping his wand into his pocket he walked over to the doorway that led to the dinning area, almost instantly his smile faded and his brows furrowed.

Sitting on the stage weaving flower crowns was Jam and Jesse, both of them laughing and smiling, and to Damian's horror, Jesse was blushing. He could feel his claw like fingers scratching the wall in built up anger.

"I'm so glad that Areo could teach us how to make flower crowns today!!" Jam placed a flower crown on Jesse's head, he chuckled "Same here." Jesse then placed a flower crown on Jam's head "Its a shame that he couldn't join us though."

Jam picked up more flowers from a bowl that sat between them "I guess.." At the same time Jesse went to pick some flowers, there hands touching each other, Jesse's lying over hers. The two both looked at each other momentarily before redrawing their hands and laughing.

"Huh?" Jesse looked down at the white China bowl and redrew his hand slightly, a white glow was emitting from under the flowers, getting brighter and brighter, the bowl began to rock on the stage violently, knocking flowers out as it did.

Jam and Jesse rose a brow and both looked down at the shaking bowl, a sudden crack sound from the china caught their attention, before they could get a closer look the bowl suddenly broke into pieces, smashing on the stage and the flowers floated down to the floor.

"Hello Jesse."

Damian stood where the bowl once was, a large smile plastered on his face and pupils uncharacteristically small.

"Um...Hello Damian." Jesse patted the stage and encouraged him to sit down, before Jam could say anything Damian happily sat himself in between Jesse and Jam, shooting her a glare before turning back to Jesse.

"My dear boy I must say that that flower crown looks simply stunning on you." Jesse smiled at the compliment "Thanks Damian, Areo taught me and Jam."

Jam pouted and began to push and shove at Damian, failing miserably as he didn't so much as move a centimetre. He offered her a flat look and raised brow.

"Jesse I hope you don't mind if I join you in your delightful activity." Damian turned from Jam and held his hand over her face to stop her from speaking up, Jesse was apparently stupidly oblivious to this and smiled up at Damian

"Of course!! But..." he looked at the remains of the broken china bowl and scattered flowers "I think we need to get some more flowers." "Nonsense, we have all the flower we need right here." He quickly got his wand from his pocket

He waved it near the broken pieces of the china bowl and almost instantly the bowl and flowers were all back together and fixed.

Jesse smiled and grabbed a handful of flowers "Thanks Damian." "My pleasure Jesse." Damian picked up a few flowers for himself, putting his wand back into his pocket as him and Jesse began to weave their flowers

Jam pouted

'It wasn't that great.'

Jam crossed her arms and legs, scowling at Damian. He sure was a meanie!! Couldn't he see that she was hanging with Jesse?! He sure was a meanie pants, couldn't she just have one day with herself and Jesse? One?!

"Meanie." Jam whispered sharply at Damian, "That is no way to treat your fellow friend Jam." Damian shot back in another sharp whisper. The two both glared at each other with  hostility

Jesse glanced over at them, was it him or were the two acting different? He cautiously shifted towards Damian and lightly tapped his arm "Damian? Are you okay?"

"Why of course Jesse, I am simply gratified to be spending my time with you." His glare had gone and he gave him his usual wide sharp toothed smile, his eyes half open. "And, what better why then to get aquatinted with dear, Jam here." He wrapped his arm round her and gave her a tight squeeze, just hard enough to hurt.

'Easy Jam, find your happy place. He may be a complete and total pinhead but, I have to keep calm in front of Jesse. Damian IS my friend!! I DO want to hug him, yes, I want to hug him nice and tight right around his neck!! Yes, there's my happy place.'

"Well, okay?.." Jesse was slightly unsure of himself as he answered, he tried to take his mind off it by taking more flowers and beginning to weave them with his others flowers, making a long chain that dragged to the floor slightly.

Damian smiled at him, hands held together. "Pinhead." Damian snapped his head to her in an instant, his eye a piercing black with one shining red pupil, his grim widening and teeth seeming to grow sharper "Pardon?"

Despite herself Jam cowered away, shaking slightly at the harsh glare.

"Jesse my dear sweet angle." Damian stood from the stage "Would it be dreadful for me to ask to borrow your friend Jam for a itssy bitzy little moment? I need to discuss with her about..." he tapped his foot momentarily "Where she stands, so to speak."

Jesse looked up at Damian, his note raised. He was smiling down at him but he couldn't help but feel as if it was oddly, dark. "Well...." he looked over at Jam, completely naive to how nervous she was "I don't mind, are you okay with that Jam?"

"Hell n-"

"Of course she is." Damian scooped Jam off her feet and held her under his arm, she began to kick and squirm in his grasp and even bit down on his arm. Damian growled slightly and peered down at her through the corner of his eye

"I shall return promptly Jesse, do continue with your delightful floret weaving." He turned on his heel and made his way out of the room, humming to himself. Jam began to kick more frantically in her attempt to escape Damian's hold on her, that was surprisingly strong despite his skinny bean pile body.

Once outside the room Damian placed Jam on the floor and folded his hands behind his back.

"Jam, sweet naive unpretentious Jam, I am going to lay this out as delicately as I can for you." Jam rose a brow but didn't cower

Damian suddenly slammed a hand against the wall Jam was standing in front of, she gulped and pressed her back into the wall as Damian lowered his head to her eye level, a dangerous glint in his eye

"Jesse, is MY friend." His voice low and threatening

"I have been there for Jesse since day 1, despite our fathers tense hatred towards each other me and Jesse are insuperable!! Jesse is one of the few people I hold DEAR in this world, and if you go and turn my sweet little boy into a horrid love struck school boy, like I KNOW you will if he goes unchecked...." he closed his eyes for a brief  moment, once he reopened them the only thing Jam saw was a large gapping block eye with no pupil

"I will personally, go through every pizzaria, and destroy the concept of you, no one will ever see your blueprints, I will erase your existence, the only one who will remover you is me and you will be NOTHING but a foul, foul memory."

Jam shivered on the spot, paralysed. Damian blinked and his eyes returned to normal, he tilted his head and rose a brow as he removed his hand from the wall but never broke eye contact with Jam "Am I perfectly clear?"

He didn't wait for Jam to answer "Well, I will just have to see, after all..." before he turned to exit the room he glanced at Jam over his shoulder and the utter, pathetic look of fear on her face

"I won't be giving out second chances."

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