A curious thought

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UndertaleSokemo wrote the first part to this, please go follow her and read her stories because they are very good!! Keep up the good work pal!!


Damian stood there trying to process what had happened, he shook his head lightly and blinked "Well...." he said "That was.....peculiar." He started to walk his way back to his stage. What had come over PJ so suddenly? And more importantly, was Jesse really trying to tell him something? He had never given it too much thought, he always thought that he was joking around.

He walked over to his stage to continue with his cleaning, before he could get his wand from his pocket his sister had quite literally jumped on him, Damian was barely able to keep his footing as he bent backwards, his sisters face was mere inches from his "Is there something I can help you with?..."

Ira hummed and narrowed her eyes, Damain awkwardly looked off to the side. "NO WAY!!!" Ira jumped of him and floated in mid air "You got smooched!!!" Damains brows shot up "How did?-" "Damian in your sister, i wasn't born yesterday!!"

Ira leaned against his shoulder and gave him a Cheshire Cat like smile "Sooooo...who's the lucky gal or guy?" Damain scratched his neck slightly, currently uncomfortable with the situation. "It was, Jesse." Ira blinked "What? Little old Jesse kissed you?!"

Damian gave a humble nod "It appears so." He took his wand out of his pocket and began to levitate several objects around the room "But why?" Damain shrugged "I wish I knew, he may have been giving me hints..." Ira tilted her head and cocked a brow "what kind a hints?"

"Well..." he turned to her "he kept on dropping sly flirts about kissing at me..." Ira nodded "And...." "And then PJ pushed him into me and, well, we kissed." He said it as if it was nothing to be worried about. Ira floated upside down next to her brother, her yellow ears twitching slightly.

"And that doesn't bother you at all?" She questioned, still floating upside down. "Of course not." He turned to her as he levitated some dusters into a small box back stage. "What's done is done it can't be undone..." he paused for a moment "Well, at least without magic."

Ira floated down to the floor, sitting cross legged as she pulled her purple bunny puppet out of her pocket "Doesn't it bother you though?" Damian hummed, "No, why should it?" He said as he slipped his wand back into his pocket "I mean...you said that Jesse was dropping hints at you about kissing, right?"

Damian hummed, re-organising his magic equipment on his table behind his stage. "Soooo...you really haven't given that any thought?" Ira paused momentarily "At all?" Damian took of his hat and placed it on the floor "Dear sister what on earth has gotten into that head of yours?" He picked up a box filled with stuffed plushies, before he started to pour them into his hat.

Ira was unsure why and how all those plushie were able to seemingly disappear into his hat, and how they didn't fall out again as Damian placed his hat back on his head. "Well..." she started, playing with the ears on her rabbit puppet "You're always saying that Jesse is always flirting with you right?"

Damian gave a light chuckle "Yes but he has yet to make me flustered, the dear boy still has much to learn." Damian went to check his stage for any final adjustments "Well, has it ever crossed your mind that he flirts ONLY with you?"

Damian paused, thinking over before replying with a simple "No." Ira floated closer "And, you haven't ever thought that just maybe he might..." she paused and awkwardly looked down at the floor

"Likes you?"

Damian promptly chocked on the air he breathed "What?" Ira tilted her head "That he may like you?" Damian shook his head "That is an absurd thought sister." He held a hand to his chest "Little Jesse is like a brother to me." He smiled, thinking back on all the good times the two had shared, like good brothers should.

"But he's always so....clingy with you!!" Damian paused, it was true that Jesse would always follow him around like puppy when the two where having a day to themselves to hang out. He never really gave it too much thought, "Well, yes he does, b-"

"And have you not noticed how much he compliments you when you do a magic trick?" Ira interrupted him

Damian blinked "Okay, Yes he does, howev-"

"And how much he blushes when you do something so simple like giving him a hug?"

Damian hummed, "I always thought that he was blushing through happiness." Ira rolled her eyes "Do you really think that's the case?" When Ira didn't get an answer she crossed her arms and rose a brow

Damian didn't know what to say, all this time when Jesse had complimented him and practised his pick up lines with him and given him a hello hug...had it all been because of a crush? Damian blinked, his words were stuck in his throat "I....I didn't know."

Ira floated up to her older brother, she placed a hand on his shoulder "Okay, how about you do this?" Damian turned to her "How about you think it over, and then when your ready you can talk to Jesse about it. Maybe you can find out wether he does have a crush on you?"

The thought didn't seem that bad, if he talked to him maybe he could find out wether it was true. He sighed "Ill try...but I hope that he isn't too embarrassed about me knowing, if it's true that is."

 The adventures of the FNAF crew!!!!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin