Little darling

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Cinnamon was humming happily to himself as he perfected his fur, glossing on hair spray and black gloopy mascara to his lashes as he admired his reflection on the mirrors surface. He perfected his blue bow a little before he placed his hands on his hips and blew a kiss at his reflection.

"Perfection at his finest." He flicked his fur with he back of his paw before he walked his way confidently down the hallway. As he was walking into the dinning room he heard the sound a two familiar voices coming from their party room.

He hummed and walked his way over there, jumping out of the way just in time as a cream pie narrowly missed his face. "GAH!!" The pie splattered all over the clean floor and Cinnamon sighed. "Screwy?"

"Ah?" Screwy turned to the orange rabbit, she was dressed in a tacky pirates hat and eye patch and was holding a rather broken sword in her paw, opposing her Jesse had a red bandana across his head and was holding a fake hook on one of his hands and next to him was PBJ, who was holding a small chest.

Cinnamon rolled his eyes "you muttonhead!! Look what you did to the clean floor!!" He pointed at the discarded cream pie "I wasn't aiming at the floor." Screwy growled at Cinnamon and he gave her a look that a mother would with their child.

"And what are you doing here?" Cinnamon looked towards Jesse and PJ "You aren't influencing their precious little minds with your absurd ways are you?" Screwy rolled her eyes "Ur, it's called 'fun' ye should try it some time...besides-" she patted Jesse and PJ's heads "These two be havin' fun, right ladies?"

"YEAH!!" Jesse said with a determined face as he grabbed the chest from PJ and ran away, PJ smiled and ran after him, the two both circled round Cinnamon and he sighed "Darlings please." He held his foot out and the two fell over with an 'OOF'

"You really shouldn't be at laying these foolhardy games, with Screwy of all people.....Freddy would be a more appropriate choice." He mumbled under his breath. Screwy sighed and scooped Jesse and PJ under her arms "Please, these two be having fun, and they be me two other partners in crime!! Right boys?"

Jesse nodded, but PJ couldn't help but feel as if Screwy was being a little harsh, he did like Cinnamon and he couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for him, even if he was a bit of a stick in the mud. Cinnamon rolled his eyes, their was no way he would be able to get Jesse to stop with these childish games, he did love Screwy and her pirate antics.

He like towards PJ and his little cheeks began to get brighter with blush, BB was already a trouble making and BG wasn't the best of rule followers, their was no way he was going to let PJ follow in BB's footsteps. "HMPH!!!"

Cinnamon grabbed PJ and held him close, earning a raised brow from Screwy and a small giggle from Jesse as PJ blushed as his face was resting on Cinnamon's chest fur. "There is no way I am letting this little darling be corrupted by your ways!!"

Screwy gave a pout and Cinnamon only offered her a glare "Please, have you actually asked PJ what HE wants?" "FINE, I'll ask him." He turned to face the boy who's cheeks has blossomed with a cherry blush "Darling, would you like to spend the day with me, if you want you can be my sidekick, my little darling in beauty!!"

He wanted him to be his beauty partner? The fact that he called him 'my little darling' made his cheeks burn that he felt a little dizzy. He shakily reached for his boosts and wrote with a shaky hand

'I think I'll go with Cinnamon.'

"HA!! See, he prefers me!!!" Cinnamon boasted as Screwys ears bent back over her head "Yeah yeah, but ye better not corrupt him with yet feminine ways." Cinnamon simply offered a smug smile and waved a hand at him "I wouldn't dream of it deary."

He started to walk away, PJ still in his arms. PJ didn't notice that he was snuggling into Cinnamon's chest fur until the bunny chuckle "AWW I love you too sweetie!!" PJ immediately jumped out of Cinnamon's arms and tried to calm he blush on his cheeks.

Cinnamon merely chuckle at his sheer cuteness 'such a darling.' He started to walk back down the hallway, PJ following behind like a puppy, "Keep up now darling, we have much to do today!!"

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