"We've never been happier," Charlie sighed in contentment as his wife took his hand and leaned her head on his shoulder. Sue nodded in agreement to her husband's words.

"Charlie's been close to heaven ever since he got his Christmas gift," Sue smiled knowingly, her eyes going to the garage where Charlie had stored his present in preparation for leaving. "He's hardly been off the water since he learned how to use that GPS thing."

Winny grinned. She'd gotten her father a top of the line boat for Christmas the year before, which he'd protested without much conviction, and a fish finder for when he and Billy went on their weekend fishing trips. It was in accordance to the set of new poles and bait her sister and Edward had gotten him.

"Glad you finally warmed up to it," Winny teased as she was lead into her childhood home, her nieces and their imprints hot on her heels.


"Hey Embry," Winny smiled, finally collapsing next to her imprint after a long day at her father's house. The two of them were in Embry's small house, just passed the treaty line where Embry had moved a few years ago before her last visit. "How's Alistair?"

Alistair was the other reason Embry had moved off of pack lands, with the permission of both his alpha and Carlisle. About two years after the Cullen's stand off with the Volturi over Renesmee, Alistair had been passing through and Embry had been the wolf to make sure he wasn't going to be a threat. The way Alistair told it Embry jumped him, ruining his jacket, and shifted back into his human form. At that point Embry would always cut his boyfriend off and claim Alistair had been knocked silly at the sight of his amazing abs and Alistair would scoff and say that was hardly the most impressive part of Embry's body. Long story short, after he had made sure Alistair wasn't a threat, Embry had smiled his goofy grin and asked the english vampire out for coffee.

At the sound if his mate's name,  Embry smiled happily.

"Out hunting with Jasper. Sometimes he still has some difficulties with the bunny diet and he has to feed more often than the rest of the Cullens."

Winny smiled too, seeing her best male friend so happy.

"He's doing really well and I know we're all proud of him." Embry continued before he sighed, and hefted himself to his feet. "Want me to lead you to the room you won't use?"

Winny grinned and stood up, nodding.

"Yeah. For some reason, just laying down and vegging out to some infomercials sounds really appealing right now.

Embry laughed and led her down the hall, passed their son's room and to the one that was permanently hers.


Felix was uncomfortable to say the least, staying at the Cullen's house. His hands were tied though as his discomfort was put to the side in favor of letting his friend spend some time with her human family. Her imprint was gay, and she was marrying another man, her mate, so she wanted to spend some time with her imprint and their son who Embry was raising with his mate. Honestly sometimes even Felix had a hard time wrapping his head around it,  but just looking at the strange little family it was obvious that Winny's mate had nothing to worry about. Winny and Embry's relationship was clearly platonic.

There was another bump downstairs and Felix heard one of Winny's nieces, it sounded like Vera, swear. Then Alice added her bird like soprano. Felix sighed and closed his eyes, trying to block out the noise.


The plane touched down and instantly, Vera, Renesmee and Harry were all at the window looking out at Italy, not caring at all that it was almost too dark to see. Someone roused Sue and Charlie, probably one of the pack members, but Winny took no notice as she flew off the plane and into the arms of her husband to be.

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