Stuck in the mansion I always saw in my dreams and its owner claims to be dracula and me his love!!!

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Luc said, "Nothing....i just made sure, none of them remember you ever existed and not just them your class mates, your teacher, basically whoever knew you"

"what? How can you do that?'s impossible!!!"I asked

Luc sign again and said, "No Bliss, it's not impossible. I just did it. And as for how did I do it? well you see I am not exactly ordinary. I am one of the great grandson of Dracula, so that's basically makes me one but I rather prefer immortal"

What!!!! He's a vampire.

That statement of his turns my whole world upside down.









I just can't believe he said that, how can he be a...a...Dracula. It's all friction stuff they aren't real.

My chain of thoughts was stopped by Luc "Bliss I know you have questions and I promise I am going to answer every single one of them but first you will eat the food I asked Richard to bring" I nodded and sat on the ground

*~~~~AFTER EATING*~~~~~~

I was still sitting on the ground and hugging my legs to my body and my head was on my knees."so Luc, explain"










"Past, Present&Future"







I sigh. Can this get any harder to deal with? All I wanted was for Bliss to accept me being immortal. She thinks I am a Dracula. Sure people from the past call my great grandfather that but still...Dracula?"Dracula are you kidding me bliss if you call my people Dracula they are going to take huge offence in case you are wondering we are called immortal" before I could stop myself I had it out of my mouth and then I was embarrassed "I...I'm really sorry love I didn't mean it" oh my god I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have liked it "I'm sorry again bliss I didn't mean it"


OMG he called me love again I don't know why but my heart did a funny thing and then when he said sorry I felt kind of disappointment


"Okay so let me tell you about the things happening with you lately. As you told me, that you always had dreams about things you never did, well those weren't just dreams, and those were the memories from your past life."

I saw Bliss's eyes went wide and her mouth open a bit but then she closed it immediately "Wha.....What do you mean?" I gave her a glass of water, which she began to drink.

I sigh and begun "it all started in 1801. You were the only child of Count. Nicolas and lady Catherine, come to think of it you looked quite like your mother except your eyes and hairs. You got them from your father. Anyways, I met you at your engagement. It was to Duke and he was also your childhood sweetheart but the moment I laid my eyes on you I fell heads over heels in love with you." She spit all the water in her mouth on me and then busted out laughing "okay...that was the funniest thing I have ever heard. Although I have to say that you might be related to Shakespeare rather than Dracula." And I glare at her and in the roughest tone I posses I said "you have no, right to make fun of my life, my love. I know it's true but if you don't believe me I can prove it to you.I

have a prove and it is............................

*****Cliff hanger*******








Hey,guys I know its shot and its been quite some time since i have uploaded

cause i have been really busy,,,,,,,,














Stuck in the mansion I always saw in my dreams and its owner claims to be dracula and me his love!!!Where stories live. Discover now