Chapter 11

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"You need to keep Harry away from me." I said to Liam.

"Why? " He asked.

"Because that is the only way I can keep him safe. " I stated.

I never get stressed out. I have learnt to hide that part of myself away, I had to but this, this is different. I like Harry and I need to keep him safe but he just kissed me which means he might like me. Then again I thought he was straight, so I am confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Is Harry gay?" I questioned and I watched Liam's expression soften.

"What makes you think that?" He asked.

"Because he just kissed me.' I replied and Liam now turned from calm to shocked. "Liam I need to know and considering you know my biggest secret, I think it is fair. Besides who am I going to tell?' He sighed.

"Fine. Yes he is and he wants to be open about it but our management won't let him." That explains the file. "Listen us three boys care a lot about him because of the things he is forced to hide, he gets hurt easily so we feel the need to protect him. Plus he is the youngest."

"Right. That doesn't help me. I was hoping he was straight." I confessed, sitting down on the bed and burying my face in my hands.

"Why?" He quizzed, completely confused by everything. I think he is still trying to get his head around the fact that I am a spy.

"Because I think I like Harry but nothing can ever happen between us. Technically you are all my clients and we can't have a relationship with anyone we are protecting. I would get distracted as well. There are just to many reasons why we can never be together. " I sighed, realising how messed up things are slowly getting.

'Okay I'll help but first you need to get me up to date on what is happening?' He stated, crossing his arms over.

'Fine but you are not going to like it. It's creepy.' I reminded. I can't actually show Liam any of the files and evidence because it is classified, despite him knowing. I have already broken one rule, I can't break another. I can show him the video camera footage though which I know will haunt him. He asked for this. 'Okay we have no actually lead on who Basilone could be yet but we have a murder that leads us to a suspect who might be working for him.' I started and then began to tell the story.

His expressions constantly changed from intrguied to scared to confused. I was confused as well though, this whole mission was confusing. At least now I have someone to be confused with.

'The last bit of evidence we have that I can show you is this.' I stated, opening up the video and spinning the laptop around to show Liam. His expression now turned fearful as he gulped, watching intently. I could tell he wanted to turn away but something kept him watching until the end. 

'Is that...?' He quizzed but couldn't quite put the words together.

'Basilone? I think so. Don't worry this video scared me as much as it scares you. I don't know what he is trying to accomplish and he is so good at covering himself that we can't create a profile to find and stop him. Yet. We are still working on it.' I replied, trying to reassure him but I wasn't even convincing myself by this point.

'We?' He asked.

'Me and my team. They are back in London working their arses off. Trust me they are the best that you can get.' I said, finally returning back to calm, hiding away all emotions. I had let my proffessional side slip for a moment and I can't let that happen again.

'Right the next hotel we are in, I am telling Paul to get a room the five of us can share. I don't care what the others say, they can deal with it and thank us later.' He said, almost out of breath from shock.

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