Chapter 2

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(Louis' Pov)

'We are live in 5, 4, 3, 2 1...'

'Hello and welcome to good morning. Today we are joined by world famous boy band One Direction...' 

The boys all said their Hi's and their questions started rolling in. I was standing behind the cameras watching but my plan was to begin my research in a minute.The interview was due to last about 20 minutes and so far they were precisely 52 seconds in, so I have plenty of time.

Part of my job is to keep track of every little detail around me and because I have been doing this for so many years it is easy to tell if something is not right. So far no one around us is suspicious of anything which is good. 

Last night went well and I learnt a lot more about these boys. I learnt what they love and hate about this job and a little bit about their families and backgrounds. Most stuff i'm pretty sure their fans knew before they did but I am neither them or a fan so it was all new to me. Some stuff they didn't have to tell me because their body language gave a lot away. 

Zayn tried to avoid eye contact a lot, showing he is shy compared to the others. Niall had a genuine smile on his face most of the time, it wasn't fake or forced so it is easy to tell he is the most happy within the group. Liam is the listener of the group, he pays attention a lot and you can tell by the way he tilts his head when someone talks. Then there is Harry.

Harry worried me slightly. They say the average human blinks 6-8 times a minute but Harry was blinking way more than that which is a sign of stress. The way he was constantly fidgeting as well and forcing a smile at times proves there is something wrong. 

I want to confront him but I think it would be weird if I went up to him and started spouting all of this shit at him, so for now I just have to keep an eye on him. 

I let the interview role 5 minuets in before pulling out my phone and looking up information on Basilone. My phone is contacted to the Secret service database, making this a lot easier. So far all we know is the basics. He's been in and out of prison 3 times for different things. 

His mum died when he was a child and he grew up with his dad but apparently that ended badly. He is now 42  but that is all we know. We don't know his current position or his position for the last 4 years for that matter. We only know he is targeting the boys because we managed to hack into one of his laptops for 30 seconds before he destroyed it.

Yes we can find out a lot in 30 seconds.

I eventually gave up for now and turned my attention back to the people around me and the boys. Nothing has changed yet. I think this job is going to be a lot more complicated than I thought.

'So which of you boys are single?' The interviewer asked which caught my attention. Only Niall and Liam raised their hands and I felt slightly disappointed when Harry didn't. However...

'So Zayn and Harry you have girlfriends?' 

'Yeah.' They both chorused. Zayn smiled but Harry shifted uncomfortably and rubbed his nose.

Lie. An obvious lie at that.

I don't know if he was trying to deliberately show he was lying or not but if he wasn't he was a doing an awful job at it. 

I caught him catch a glimpse in my direction and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. For the rest of the interview he was quiet and he let everyone else do the talking. Even when a question was directed at him, the boys took control which I could see he was grateful for. 

The interview finally finished and I met the boys back in their dressing room, making sure to mentally note the actions of all of the crew as I walked past them. 

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