Chapter 12

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'We;re moving you all into a safe house.'

'What? Why?' 

'Because we know you saw Marco Bane wondering the streets yesterday.' Lisa stated firmly as she sat in her chair with her hands clasped together across the desk. 

'And you think moving us into a secure location will stop him getting to the boys?' I questioned, leaning back in my own chair. Lisa sighed, clearly not wanting top argue on the situation. Her parting in her hair was wonky and her clothes were slightly crinkled but the bags under her eyes was the evidence I needed to know she hadn't slept last night. 

The only time Lisa doesn't sleep is when a case is bothering her and I am certain this was the case. It only made me want to step up my game because if I don't catch Basilone soon, it may just drive Lisa insane. 

'I am hoping it will buy us some time.' She replied, giving me a stern look but there was a hint of fear in her eyes.

'And how do you plan on taking a world famous boyband out of their schedule and out of the public eye without raising suspicion.' I added, still not understanding how this was a good idea. 

Lisa leaned forward a bit as she explained everything further. 'I have already spoken with their management. We decided that we will tell the public that the boys are taking a well deserved break. All their concerts and events have been put on hold but they will be back before they know it.' 

'So their break consists of them disappearing for who knows how long with no contact with anyone, not even their families. It won't work Lisa.' I argued. I wanted to keep these boys safe as much as she did but the plan was ridiculous.

'Their families know everything and it was partly their idea to hide them away. Look, you and the boys are just going to go to a small remote island for a while where they won't be recognised. To them it would be like a long holiday, they won't be restricted to just the house.

'You won't have to worry about keeping an eye on them 24/7, so you can work on the case. The plan may have some flaw but like I said, it will buy us some time.' I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to change her mind. When Lisa has a plan, we have to follow that plan. It is very rare that any of us in the team will have a better plan and right now, I don't have one.

'Fine. For the sake of everything, I hope this works.' 

'It should, now you better go and pack. Paul is informing the boys now and your jet leaves in a few hours. In the meantime keep your head down and stay out of sight. The last thing you need is Basilone or Marco knowing where you are going.' She added and I nodded before standing up and leaving her office.

'Oh and Agent?' Lisa said and I quickly turned back around. 'Don't forget to visit Dylan quickly for the evidence on the USB and the piece of paper.' 

I headed straight for Dylan who was sat in his usually spot in front of his computer, bashing away at the keyboard. 

'Do you ever leave that seat?' I joked as Dylan lifted his head up to glare at me.

'Only to eat, pee and sleep.' He replied, sitting up straight as he began to twiddle a pen around his fingers. 'i'm joking. You just only ever turn up when I am sat here. I do have some form of a life when I am not working.

'What would that be?' I smirked. 

'Watching re-runs of Game Of Thrones.' He answered and I laughed a little at my geeky friend.'

'From one screen to the next.' I said. 'Anyways Lisa said you have something for me.' 

As a matter of fact I do.' He stood up and I followed him to the holographic table. He flicked his finger up, opening up a file that opened up across the table. 'Okay so the piece of paper was easy to fix up and although a couple of pieces were missing, I managed to recover a four digit code.'

He Sings. He Spies. - Larry Stylinson -Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora